
From WikiVet English
Revision as of 12:47, 12 June 2010 by A.allison (talk | contribs) (Text replace - 'Eosinophils - WikiBlood' to 'Eosinophils')

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  • High cells and high protein
  • Turbid - red, yellow, white
  • Specific gravity > 1.018
  • Total protein > 30g/L
  • Nucleated cells >3 x 10e9/L
  • Neutrophils non-degenerate or degenerate, macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils (with parasites)
  • Due to:
    • Inflammation of the pleural/abdominal cavities or their lining
      • Septic
        • Degenerate neutrophils
        • Intracellular bacteria
        • In horses
          • Yellow, brown turbid
          • Look for plant material - rupture or perforation of gut wall
          • Horses with gut rupture will quickly develop cardiovascular collapse
      • Non-septic
    • Long standing modified transudate becomes exudate
    • Neoplasia (cell numbers really high)