
Small Instestinal impaction causes total or partial obstruction of the instestinal lumen resulting in colic. The obstruction is most often associated with ascarid infection in young horses, or ileal impaction due to ingestion of bermuda grass in the USA or tapeworm infefection in the UK.

Impaction may also result due to postoperative ileus; the risk can be minimised by good surgical technique, appropriate postoperative care and the adminstration of prokinectic drugs.


Foals and yearlings are particularly susceptible to infection with ascarids, impaction usually occurs following the adminstration of an anthelmintic with a high efficacy.


Clinical Signs

See Colic Diagnosis in Horses


See Medical Treatment of Colic in Horses



Association with ascarid infection[1]

  1. Cribb NC, Cote NM, Bouré LP, Peregrine AS. (2006). Acute small intestinal obstruction associated with Parascaris equorum infection in young horses: 25 cases (1985-2004).. New Zealand Veterinary Journal