Bovicola equi

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Bovicola equi
Class Insecta
Order Phthiraptera
Family Trichodectidae
Species Bovicola equi

Also known as: Damalinia equi — Trichodectes parumpilosus — Werneckiella equi equi

Bovicola equi is a chewing louse found worldwide, and usually seen on the neck, and base of the tail on the horse.


A fully grown adult will be around 1.5mm in length, and is red in colour. They have a distinct three segmented antenna, and a single claw on each of the tarsi.

Life Cycle

The eggs are white and can often be seen by the naked eye, particuarly on the hair of the neck and the base of the tail. However, in heavy infections, the eggs maybe seen all over the body.

The cycle from the production of the egg to a fully reproductive adult usually takes around 28 days.

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