Intussusception may occur as secondary to enteritis (Copyright © RVC)

Enteric infections that result in clinical problems are, in general, uncommon. They can be associated with a bacterial pathogen, however this is not necesarily always the case. Indeed, enteritis is often related to poor husbandry, inappropriate diet, misuse of antimicrobials, parasites, stress and foreign bodies.

Clinical signs include vomiting (grave prognosis) and diarrhoea.

Diagnosis - history, physical examination, faecal cultures, radiology, haematology and biochemistry.


  • Symptomatic therapy (e.g. kaolin)
  • Increased dietary fibre (bran, hay, alfalfa pellets)
  • Oral inoculation of parasite-free faeces from a healthy iguana
  • Antibiotics based on sensitivity testing
  • Supportive care with specific attention to hydration status.