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Background Information

Useful Definitions

Transport Across Membranes

Introduction to Fluid Movement


Lower Urinary Tract

A schematic summarising the structure of the lower urinary tract and it's innvervations

The lower urinary tract is the collection of organs which convey the formed urine from the kidneys to the exterior of the body. The urine is not altered in this part of the system in species other than the horse (where mucous is added) but instead its function is to collect and store the urine until enough of it is collected for release to become necessary. This gives the animal urinary continence. Three major structures make up this tract. The ureters, the bladder and the urethra.

Ureters - Anatomy & Physiology

Bladder - Anatomy & Physiology

Urethra - Anatomy & Physiology

Process of Micturition


Normal Composition of Urine

Developmental Anatomy of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract

Exotics Anatomy & Physiology

Kidney Function and Age

The Effects of Diuretics on the Kidneys

Link to Pathology of the Urinary System

Test yourself with kidney and lower urinary tract flashcards

Flash Cards

Kidney flashcards are avilable on Macroscopic Renal Anatomy, The Nephron and Renal Blood Pressure

Lower Urinary Tract flashcards are avilable on Ureters - Anatomy & Physiology, Bladder - Anatomy & Physiology, Urethra - Anatomy & Physiology and The Process of Micturition

Acknowledgements and Reference Material

Source Texts:

  • Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O. and Wensing, C.J.G. (2002) Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders.
  • Sjaastad, O.V., Hove, K. and Sand, O. (2004) Physiology of Domestic Animals. Oslo: Scandinavian Veterinary Press.
  • Young, B. and Heath, J.W. (2000) Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas. 4th ed. London: Churchill Livingstone.
  • Hook, J.B., Tarloff, J.B., Lash, L.H. and Goldstein, R.S. (2004) Toxicology of the Kidney. 3rd ed. CRC Press.

Websites: The data found within the tables on the page entitled Normal Composition of Urine - Anatomy & Physiology was adapted from the Merck Veterinary Manual online reference table entitled Urine Volume and Specific Gravity


Thomas Iveson