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||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Development|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Development|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Where is the myenteric plexus?'''
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*'''''Between the inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers of the tunica muscularis'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Structure|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What are the functions of the small intestine?'''
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*'''''Mixing, transportation, digestion and absorption'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Function|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Name the two types of muscle contraction in the small intestine.'''
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*'''''Segemental and peristaltic'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#To mix content and transport chyme|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What is the migrating myoelectric complex?'''
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*'''''The peristaltic wave of contraction moves from the duodenum to the ileum'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#To mix content and transport chyme|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What is the main structural difference between amylopectin and glycogen?'''
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*'''''Both have α1-4 and α1-6 glycosidic bonds but glycogen has more α1-6 links, with shorter side chains'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What are the products of α-amylase digestion?'''
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*'''''Di-, tri-, and oligo-saccharides'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Describe the mechanism of glucose absorption.'''
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*'''''Na+/K+ pumps pump Na+ into the lumen. Na+ diffuses back into the enterocyte through a SGLT-1 symport which releases energy. Energy is used to transport glucose into the enterocyte up its concentration gradient.'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Which GLUT allows glucose to diffuse from the enterocyte to the blood?'''
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*'''''GLUT 5'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Carbohydrate Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Where does TAG digestion begin and with which enzyme?'''
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*'''''Oral cavity with lingual lipase'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Triacylglycerol Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What are the functions of bile?'''
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*'''''(i) emulsifies fat (ii) creates an interface for pancreatic lipase to digest water insoluble fat'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Triacylglycerol Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What positions can pancreatic lipase remove fatty acids from glycerol?'''
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*'''''1 and 3'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Triacylglycerol Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''What is the rate limiting step in TAG digestion?'''
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*'''''Isomerase reaction'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Triacylglycerol Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''How do TAG leave the enterocyte?'''
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*'''''In chylomicrons through lacteals into the lymph'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Triacylglycerol Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Where does protein digestion begin and with which enzyme?'''
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*'''''Stomach, with pepsin'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Protein Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Name three endopeptidases present in the small intestine.'''
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*'''''Trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Protein Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Where are carboxypeptidases produced?'''
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*'''''In the pancreas, as zymogens'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Protein Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''How are di-, tri-, and oligo-peptides absorbed?'''
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*'''''γ Glutamyl cycle'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Protein Digestion and Absorption|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Where effect does parasympathetic innervation have in the small intestine?'''
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*'''''Increased motility and secretion'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Regulation & Control|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Where are Brunner's glands located?'''
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*'''''Submucosa of duodenum'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Histology|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
|<big>'''Name three cell types present in the muscosal crypts'''
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*'''''(i)Goblet (ii)Entero-endocrine (iii) Paneth'''''
||[[Small Intestine - Anatomy & Physiology#Histology|<span title="Answer article">Link to Answer Article</span>]]
