Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine Q&A 03

From WikiVet English
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A five-year-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat is presented after a 2 month history of slowly progressive dyspnea and anorexia. The owner is concerned today because the cat is coughing. On presentation the cat is tachypneic, with a RR of 60 bpm. Lung sounds are not auscultated in the ventral fields and the heart is muffled. The cat has a choppy, dysynchrous breathing pattern.

Question Answer Article
What is your initial emergency therapeutic plan? [[|Link to Article]]
Thoracocentesis initially relieves the cat’s distress and yields the fluid shown. What is the most likely character of this fluid, and how would you confirm this? [[|Link to Article]]
What is your differential diagnosis for conditions associated with this type of fluid production? [[|Link to Article]]
How would you proceed to determine the underlying disease process? [[|Link to Article]]
What are the therapeutic options and the prognosis for successful long-term management? [[|Link to Article]]

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