Category:Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A
Revision as of 09:09, 23 October 2018 by Ggaitskell (talk | contribs)
Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Flashcards provided by Manson Publishing
This category contains Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A flashcards provided by Mansons publishing, as part of the OVAL Project. Each flashcard consists of descriptions of a Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery case with questions and answers.
These questions are taken from the Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Self-Assessment Colour Review book which features a total of 229 questions.
- 4 mo Bulldog with nasal discharge and not gaining weight
- 8 yo St Bernard with abdominal distention and retching
- 8 yo male dog with a mass adjacent to the bladder, adherent to the prostate
- Cat hit by a car with severe respiratory distress
- Dog with a persistent erection
- 2 yo Cocker Spaniel with lethargy and anorexia
- 4 yo male Pug with dyspnoea and cyanosis
- 7 yo Springer Spaniel with bradycardia, exercise intolerance and collapse
- 7 yo entire female dog with pu/pd, lethargy and oestrus 10 weeks ago
- 11 mo cat with a mass in the naso- and oropharyngeal region
- 5 yo German Shepherd with chronic nasal discharge, epistaxis and ulceration of the nares
- 3 yo female English Bulldog with possible dystocia
- 1 yo female Terrier with intermittent urinary incontinence
- 8 mo male English Bulldog with hypersalivation and regurgitation
- Dog with persistent licking and redness of the penis
- 5 yo DSH with obstipation, anorexia and weight loss
- 4 yo Weimaraner with a swelling of the ear
- Abdominal radiography of a 10 yo female Schnauzer
- 12 wo Weimaraner puppy with regurgitation and a thin body condition
- 7 mo cat with intermittent behaviour and neurological abnormalities
- 1 yo female Giant Schnauzer with a heart murmur
- 8 yo Labrador with acute dyspnoea and a change in her bark
Pages in category "Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A"
The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 01
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 02
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 03
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 04
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 05
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 06
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 07
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 08
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 09
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 10
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 11
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 12
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 13
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 14
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 15
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 16
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 17
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 18
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 19
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 20
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 21
- Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Q&A 22