Artificial Breeding - Donkey

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Oestrus synchronization

Artificial insemination

Embryo transfer

  • Blanchard, T.L., Taylor, T.S., and Love, C.L. (1999). ‘Estrous cycle characteristics and response to estrus synchronization in mammoth asses (Equus asinus americanus)’. Theriogenology 52. pp 827-834.
  • Cottorello, A.C.P., Amancio, R.C., Henry, M., and Borges, I. (2002). ‘Effect of storage temperature and extenders on “in vitro” activity of donkey spermatozoa’. Theriogenology 58. pp 325-328.
  • Ferreira, M.F.L., Henry, M. (1992). ‘Effect of cooling rates and seminal extenders on sperm longevity and fertility in donkeys’. 12th ICAR, 1992, The Hague, Netherlands. pp 1406-1408.
  • Glatzel, P., Kadir, E., and Tibary, A. (1981). ‘Pferde- und Eselhenge der marokkanischen Landespferde- un Maultierzucht. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Einsatz von Flussig- un Gefriersamen fur die Maultierproduktion’. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 94. pp 445-448.
  • Mello, S.L.V., Henry, M., Souza, M.A., and Oliveira, S.M.P. (2000). ‘Effect of split ejaculation and seminal extenders on longevity of donkey semen preserved at 5C’. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia 52. pp 372-378.
  • Nishikawa, Y. (1959). ‘Semen properties and artificial insemination in horses’. Studies on Reproduction in Horses. Kyoto, Japan. p 208.
  • Panzani, D., Rota, A., Vannozzi, I., Kindahl, H., Govoni, N. and Camillo, F. (2006). ‘Cervical catheterization is not responsible for the low pregnancy rate following transcervical embryo transfer in donkeys’. Animal Reproduction Science 94. pp 370-373.
  • Purdy, S.R. (2005b). ‘Ultrasound examination of the female miniature donkey reproductive tract’. in: Veterinary Care of Donkeys. N.S. Matthews and T.S. Taylor (eds). International Veterinary information Service, Ithaca NY (, last updated: 11 May 2005; A2925.0505.
  • Santos, G.F., Henry, M., Sampaio, I.B.M., and Gastal, E.L. (1994). ‘Effect of cooling system and rates on sperm quality of donkey semen preserved at 5ºC ’. Proceedings VIth International Symposium Equine Reproduction. pp 195-196.
  • Serres, C., Rodrigues, A., Alvarez, A.L., Santiago, I., Gabriel, J., Gomez-Cuetara, C., and Mateos, E. (2002). ‘Effect of centrifugation and temperature on the motility and plasma membrane integrity of Zamorano-Leones donkey semen’. Theriogenology 58. pp 329-332.
  • Singhvi, N. (1990). ‘Studies on artificial insemination in equines’. Indian J Anim Reprd. 11. pp 99-104.
  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A., Bakkoury, M., and Anouassi, A. (2006). ‘Insémination artificielle’. Reproduction Equine Tome III: Biotechnologies Appliquées, A.Tibary and M. Bakkoury (eds). Actes Editions, Morocco, 2006. pp 9-155.
  • Trimeche, A., Renard, P., and Tainturier, D. (1998). ‘A procedure for Poitou jacakass sperm cryopreservation’. Theriogenology 50. pp 793-806.
  • Vendramini, O.M., Bruyas, J.F., Fieni, F., Battut, I., and Tainturier, D. (1997). ‘Embryo transfer in Poitou donkeys, preliminary results’. Theriogenology 47. pp 4-9.
  • Vendramini, O.K., Guintard, C., Moreau, J., and Tainturier, D. (1998). ‘Cervix conformation: a first anatomical approach in Baudet du Poitou jenny asses’. Animal Science 66. pp 741-744.
  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A. & Bakkoury, M. (2008) Reproduction In Svendsen, E.D., Duncan, J. and Hadrill, D. (2008) The Professional Handbook of the Donkey, 4th edition, Whittet Books, Chapter 17

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