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[[Category:CABI Flashcards]]
<FlashCard questions="7">  ''
|q1= What family of bacteria does '' Edwardsiella tarda'' belong to?
'' Enterobacteriaceae ''
|l1= Edwardsiella tarda #Introduction
|q2= What type of bacteria is '' E. tarda '' ?
*Gram negative
*Small , straight rod
*Peritrichous flagella
|l2= Edwardsiella tarda #Introduction
|q3= What species does '' E. tarda '' infect?
*Freshwater and marine fishes
*Reptiles and amphibians
|l3= Edwardsiella tarda #Introduction
|q4= What diseases do they cause in fish?
*Fish gangrene (emphysematous putrefactive disease of catfish)
*Red disease in eels
|l4= Edwardsiella tarda#Introduction
|q5= What are the major clinical signs in fish?
* Haemorrhaging of the body cavity, muscle, and organs including liver and kidneys
*Loss of balance,  bursts of abnormal activity, and increased food consumption.
|l5= Edwardsiella tarda #Clinical Signs
|q6= Is E.tarda considered to be zoonotic?
Yes- it causes diarrhoea, gastroenteritis and can cause typhoid-like illness, peritonitis with sepsis, cellulitis and meningitis.
|l6= Edwardsiella tarda # Clinical Signs
|q7= What colour is E.tarda on isolated on brain–heart infusion (BHI) agar or trypton soya agar (TSA)?
small, round, convex transparent colonies
|l7= Edwardsiella tarda # Diagnosis
|q8= What methods are used to diagnose E.tarda?
*Indirect FAT
*Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
|l8= Edwardsiella tarda # Diagnosis
|q9= What colour are E. tarda colonies on Edwardsiella isolation media (EIM)?
* small green colonies with black centres
|l9= Edwardsiella ictaluri # Diagnosis
|q9= What can  E.tarda be treated with ?
|l9= Edwardsiella tarda# Treatment
[[Category:Fish Flashcards]]  
[[Category:To Do - Jaimie Meagor]]
[[Category:To Do - Jaimie Meagor]]
