Feeding Guides - Nutrition

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Feeding Guides
This section is part of Pet Food

Also Known As: Feeding Guidelines — Feeding Instructions — Feeding Recommendations
Most pet foods provide owners with guidance on how much, and sometimes how often they should feed their dog or cat. The amount of food a cat or dog needs is a function of the energy content of the food and the energy requirement of the animal. Feeding guides should be used as a starting point to estimate how much food to offer. Because energy requirements differ among animals, and can also vary for an individual cat or dog over time, the exact amount to be fed must be tailored according to the needs of the individual.

Section Content:

Feeding Guides on Pet Food
Energy Density of Pet Food and Energy Needs

Calculated Energy Requirements
Food Allowance Calculator

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Educational Brief
With the major nutritional problem facing dogs and cats being obesity, it has become critical for pet owners and veterinary professionals to clearly understand the appropriate amount of food to feed pets. A major part of educating pet owners involve understanding food labels and feeding instructions. This section describes how feeding instructions are derived for each product, how pet food manufactures estimate energy needs of dogs and cat and the role pet owners play in practicing responsible feeding practices. This section also includes some online tools that help determine appropriate energy targets for dogs and cats.
By Professor Dan Chan

Endorsed by Mars Petcare, the world’s leading pet nutrition and health care business that strives to make A Better World for Pets every day. Mars logo.png

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