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WikiVet has a very useful function letting you select specific pages, bundle them together and then download them to read when you are off line.

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Vet Schools Location

Vet Schools

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Not all schools have a page. Would you like to create the page about your school? See how to create a school page..

The latest schools to create pages and be put on the map are:


What is the most likely cause of this posture?

A 7-year-old male neutered DSH is presented because it has an abnormal gait (walking with the hocks touching the ground) and posture. There is no history of trauma and the owner believes that these abnormalities have developed over the last few weeks. On further questioning, the owner reveals that the cat has been losing weight for the last 2 months, during which time it has also been noticeably polydipsic and polyuric.

Feline Medicine 15.jpg

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