Palpable Points of the Ox - Anatomy & Physiology
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This section describes only the main palpable points of the bovine limbs and the major differences from other species. The minor points are less important clinically compared to other domestic species and so haven't been covered.
Main Points
- Spine of the scapula
- Cranial border of the scapula
- Caudal angle of the scapula
- Major tuberosity of the humerus
- Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
- Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- Lateral tuberosity of radius
- Antebrachial joint
- Accessory carpal bone
Major differences
- Shape of the scapular spine
- Extent of scapular cartilage
- Shape of humerus
Main Points
- Greater trochanter of the femur
- Tuber ischii
- Tuber coxae
- Sacroiliac ligament
- Transverse processes of coccygeal vertebrae 1 and 2
- Patella
- Patellar ligaments
- Lateral condyle of the tibia
- Tibial crest
Main Differences
- No third trochanter on the femur
- Can palpate tuber ischii, sacroiliac ligaments, coccygeal vertebrae 1 and 2
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