Porcine Biochemistry

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Serum Type Units Normal Ranges
Calcium mmol/L 1.98 - 2.87
Phosphorus mmol/L 1.49 - 2.76
Urea Nitrogen mmol/L 2.10 - 8.50
Creatinine mmol/L 110 - 260
Glucose mmol/L 2.9 - 5.9
Cholesterol mmol/L 1.23 - 2.74
Bilirubin mmol/L 0.0 - 3.4
Conjugated Bilirubin mmol/L 0.0 - 1.7
Free Bilirubin mmol/L 0.0 - 3.4
Iron mmol/L 9 - 34
UIBC mmol/L 54 - 99
AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) U/L (Units/Litre) 36 - 272
ALT U/L 19 - 76
Alkaline Phosphatase U/L 36 - 272
CK U/L 120 - 10,990
Amylase U/L 433 - 2,170
Protein g/L 65 - 90
Albumin g/L 65 - 90
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