Porcine Haematology

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Haematologic Type Standard International (SI) Units Normal Ranges
International Standard Units (SI)
Haemaglobin g/L 100 - 170
Haematocrit (PCV) L/L 0.29 - 0.46
Erythrocytes x10-12/L 5.1 - 8.0
MCV fL 52 - 63
MCH pg 18 - 22
MCHC g/L 340 - 380
Leukocytes x10-9/L 10.6 - 24.0
Neutrophils (Segmented) x10-9/L 1.9 - 10.1
Neutrophils (Segmented) % 15.1 - 59.5
Band Neutrophils x10-9/L 0.0 - 0.6
Band Neutrophils % 0.0 - 3.3
Lymphocytes x10-9/L 3.7 - 14.7
Lymphocytes % 25.5 - 71.1
Monocytes x10-9/L 0.0 - 2.4
Monocytes % 1.0 - 14.0
Eosinophils x10-9/L 0.0 - 2.4
Eosinophils % 1.0 - 13.0
Basophils x10-9/L 0.0 - 0.5
Basophils % 0.0 - 3.0
Rubricytes (Polychromatic normoblasts or developing RBCs) x10-9/L 0.0 - 0.2
Rubricytes (Polychromatic normoblasts or developing RBCs) % 0.0 - 1.0
Disintergrated x10-9/L 0.0 - 1.5
Distintergrated % 0.0 - 9.3
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