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#REDIRECT[[:Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
*Growth hormone
**Secreted by the anterior pituitary
**Influences the size of the skeleton and soft tissue
====[[Congenital Panhypopituitarism|Pituitary dwarfism]]====
====Pituitary gigantism ([[Acromegaly]])====
*Thyroid hormones affect maturation of growth of cartilage
*In young animals causes accelerated maturation of growth plate
*In adults causes [[Bones Degenerative - Pathology#Osteoporosis (Atrophy)|osteoporosis]]
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===[[Gonadal Effect on Bones]]===
*Oestrogen and androgens
**Affect growth of skeleton
**Accelerate epiphyseal closure
**Stimulates [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|osteoblasts]] to produce matrix
**Inhibits [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|osteoclasts]]
*'''Hypogonadism''' in growing skeleton -> delayed epiphyseal closure and skeletal maturation
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===Adrenal glands===
**Causes [[Bones Degenerative - Pathology#Osteoporosis (Atrophy)|osteoporosis]]
**Reported in dogs with Cushing's disease
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
*Can arise in a number of ways but single common factor is elevated PTH
*Results in increased resorption of bone and replacement by fibrous connective tissue
=====<u>'''Primary hyperparathyroidism'''</u>=====
*This is increased production of PTH not related to calcium or phosphorus levels
*Due to parathyroid neoplasia or bilateral idiopathic parathyroid hyperplasia
=====<u>'''Secondary hyperparathyroidism'''</u>=====
*Regardless of pathogenesis, the result is:
**Increased osteoclastic resorption of bone and deposition of fibro-osteoid matrix that fails to mineralise
**Flat bones of the skull swell, including maxillary and nasal bones
**Long bones become soft with thin cortices which fracture easily
[[Image:Renal osteodystrophy.jpg|right|thumb|100px|<small><center>Renal osteodystrophy (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)</center></small>]]
*'''Renal hyperparathyroidism'''
***[[Kidney Renal Failure - Pathology#Chronic|Chronic renal failure]]
****-> Retention of phosphate (due to reduced glomerular filtration) and inadequate production of vitamin D by kidneys
*****-> [[Kidney Renal Failure - Pathology#Uraemia|Hyperphosphataemia]] and hypocalcaemia (high P depresses Ca)
******-> Increased PTH output
*******-> Increased bone resorption
********-> '''Fibrous osteodystrophy''' - increased osteoclastic resorption of cancellous and cortical bone + proliferation of fibrous tissue
**Mainly in dogs
**Affects whole skeleton but mainly skull
**Bones soft and pliable
**Canine teeth easily removed - rubber jaw
**Microscopically - ''Osteodystrophia fibrosa'' (above  = fibrous osteodystrophy) +/- [[Bones Metabolic - Pathology#Osteomalacia|osteomalacia]]
*'''Nutritional hyperparathyroidism''' (nutritional osteodystrophy)
**Also called '''fibrous osteodystrophy, “rubber jaw”''' or '''“bran disease”'''
**More common in young, fast-growing animals
***Low calcium / high phosphate diets
****-> Decreased calcium levels in serum
*****-> Parathyroid gland stimulated (may become enlarged)
******-> Increased PTH
*******-> Increased bone resorption
**Caused by poor diet
***Cattle and sheep - usually mild disease
***'''Swine''' fed un-supplemented cereal grain, usually mild disease
***'''Dogs/cats''' fed all-meat or offal diets (Ca:P often as high as 1:20)
****Few weeks after weaning
****Provision of calcium alone correct the problem
****Very brittle bones -> sponataneous fractures
****Extreme porosity of the whole skeleton on radioghraphs
***'''Horses''' fed bran
****Very susceptible to high phosphorus diet
****Any time after weaning, susceptibility declines after seventh year
****Early signs:
*****Mild changes of gait
*****Transient shifting lameness
****Advanced signs:
*****Swelling of mandible and maxilla - 'Big head'
*****Dyspnoea caused by swelling of nasal and frontal bones
*****Teeth lost or buried in softened jaw
*****Fractures from mild trauma
*****Detached tendons and ligaments
******Marked loss of bone
******Replacement by proliferative tissue
****Often called '''''Osteodystrophia fibrosa'''''
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
[[Image:Rickets in dog.jpg|right|thumb|100px|<small><center>Rickets in dog (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)</center></small>]]
*Essentially the same disease as osteomalacia
*Caused by Vitamin D and phosphorus deficiency
*In young animals
*Failure of:
**Mineralisation of osteoid at sites of membranous growth
**Cartilage vascularisation and mineralisation at sites of endochondral ossification
*Osteoid and catilage build up at those sites
**Lines of hypertrophic cartilage cells are lenghtened and disorganised
**Ossification at metaphysis is poor
**Persisting osteoid and cartilage -> shaft modelling failure
**Thuckened physes due to normal chondrocyte proliferation but defective removal
*Ends of bones enlarge -> club-like thickening of metaphysis + compression of epiphysis
**Most affected:
***Proximal humerus
***Distal radius
****Enlargement of costochondral junction - called 'rachitic rosary'
*Weight bearing leads to:
**Thickening of the physis and
**Flaring of the excess matrix at the metaphysis
*Histological lesions heal whn diet corected
*Minor deformities correct but major deformities remain
*Occurs after weaning because:
**''In utero'' and in milk - adeqaute nutrients obtained at expense of dam
*In Foals
**Rare - long nursing period and relatively slow rate of growth
*In Calves and lambs
**When diet deficeint of phosphorus and poor exposure to sunlight
*In Puppies, Kittens and Piglets
**Rapid growth, weaned early -> fulminating rickets if poor exposure to sunlight and lack of vitamin D in diet
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
*Failure of mineralisation of osteoid / softening of the bones
*Active resorption of bone replaced by excess osteoid on trabeculae, endosteum of cortices and [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology#Bone Remodeling|Haversian canals]]
*Decreased resistance to tension -> osteoid build-up at tendon insertions
*In advanced disease
**Bones break easily and become deformed
**Tendons may separate from bones
*Caused by prolonged phosphorus and Vitamin D deficiency
**Vitamin D maintains normal plasma levels of calcium and phosphorus through acting on the intestines, bones and kidneys
*In mature animals
*Mainly grazing ruminants following gestation and lactation
**Sunlight is important for production of vitamin D in the skin of ruminants
**Vitamin d is also present in sun-dried hay
**Mostly seen where there is long grass growing season with poor sunlight
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===Hypovitaminosis A===
*Vitamin A is essential for normal bone growth in foetus and neonates 
*Hypovitaminosis from dietary deficiency of dam -> teratogenic in pigs and large cats
*More commonly, deficiency in neonates (puppies, kittens, calves, piglets) on vitamin-deficient diets
*Dietary deficiency -> failure of [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|osteoclastic remodelling]] resulting in bone overgrowth and nerve compression
*Optic nerves particularly affected
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===Hypervitaminosis A===
[[Image:Hypervitaminosis A.jpg|right|thumb|100px|<small><center>Hypervitaminosis A (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)</center></small>]]
*Main lesions:
**Injury to growth cartilage -> [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|premature closure of growth plate]]
**[[Bones Degenerative - Pathology#Osteoporosis (Atrophy)|Osteoporosis]]
**[[Musculoskeletal Terminology - Pathology|Osteophyte]] formation in prolonged exposure
*In cats fed bovine liver for prolonged periods
**Rich in vitamin A in grazing animals
**Vertebrae fuse with each other due to bone proliferation - '''cervical spondylosis''' ('''ankylosing exostosis''' of the vertebral column), especially in the neck
*Can also be teratogenic, especially in pigs ([[Cleft Palate|cleft plate]] and abortions)
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===Hypervitaminosis D===
*May be of dietary or iatrogenic origin (has narrow safety margin)
*Key features are hypercalcaemia with metastatic calcification of soft tissues
*'''Acute poisoning'''
**In dogs and cats often from rodenticides containing cholecalciferol
***Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
***Foci of [[Myocardial Mineralisation|myocardial discoloration]]
***Mucosal haemorrhage
***Necrosis of crypts
***Focal myocardial necrosis
***Mineralisation of intestinal mucosa, [[Arterial Calcification#Medial calcification|blood vessel walls]], [[Pulmonary Calcification|lungs]] and kidneys
*'''Chronic poisoning'''
***Intense [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|osteoclastic activity]] -> active resorption of bone, especially [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|trabecular]]
***Excessive production of [[Bones - Anatomy & Physiology|osteoid]] - appears both eosinophilic and basophilic in different places
***Marrow cavity may be obliterated
***Mineralisation of soft tissues, especially [[Arterial Calcification|blood vessel walls]]
**Due to inhibition of [[Calcium|Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)|PTH]] and increase of [[Calcium#Calcitonin|calcitonin]]
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===Fluorine poisoning===
*F is widespread in nature
*Pastures may be contaminated by industrial processes (e.g. brick manufacture)
*'''Acute poisoning''':
*'''Chronic poisoning''':
**''Dental abnormalities''
***Intoxication during teeth development
***Foci of poor enamel formation - yellow, dark brown/black, chalky
***Irregular wear of teeth, chip easily
**''Osteodystrophy = Fluorosis''
***Generalised skeletal disturbance
***Most affected are metatarsals and mandibles
***Periosteal hyperostosis + endosteal bone resorption -> thickened bones with enlarged marrow cavities
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
===Lead poisoning===
*Lead can bind to mineral portion of bone and cartilage
*In young animals ingesting large dose at once
** -> Lead induced malfunction of osteoclasts
** -> Transverse band of increased density on radiographs of metaphysis = "lead line" = [[Retention of Elongated Primary Trabeculae|growth retardation lattice]]
[[Category:Bones - Metabolic Pathology]]
[[Category:Musculoskeletal System - Pathology]]

Revision as of 18:45, 27 February 2011


  • Growth hormone
    • Secreted by the anterior pituitary
    • Influences the size of the skeleton and soft tissue

Pituitary dwarfism

Pituitary gigantism (Acromegaly)


  • Thyroid hormones affect maturation of growth of cartilage



  • In young animals causes accelerated maturation of growth plate
  • In adults causes osteoporosis

Gonadal Effect on Bones

  • Oestrogen and androgens
    • Affect growth of skeleton
    • Accelerate epiphyseal closure
  • Oestrogen
  • Hypogonadism in growing skeleton -> delayed epiphyseal closure and skeletal maturation

Adrenal glands


  • Can arise in a number of ways but single common factor is elevated PTH
  • Results in increased resorption of bone and replacement by fibrous connective tissue
Primary hyperparathyroidism
  • This is increased production of PTH not related to calcium or phosphorus levels
  • Due to parathyroid neoplasia or bilateral idiopathic parathyroid hyperplasia
  • Rare
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
  • Regardless of pathogenesis, the result is:
    • Increased osteoclastic resorption of bone and deposition of fibro-osteoid matrix that fails to mineralise
    • Flat bones of the skull swell, including maxillary and nasal bones
    • Long bones become soft with thin cortices which fracture easily
Renal osteodystrophy (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)
  • Renal hyperparathyroidism
    • Pathogenesis:
      • Chronic renal failure
        • -> Retention of phosphate (due to reduced glomerular filtration) and inadequate production of vitamin D by kidneys
          • -> Hyperphosphataemia and hypocalcaemia (high P depresses Ca)
            • -> Increased PTH output
              • -> Increased bone resorption
                • -> Fibrous osteodystrophy - increased osteoclastic resorption of cancellous and cortical bone + proliferation of fibrous tissue
    • Mainly in dogs
    • Affects whole skeleton but mainly skull
    • Bones soft and pliable
    • Canine teeth easily removed - rubber jaw
    • Microscopically - Osteodystrophia fibrosa (above = fibrous osteodystrophy) +/- osteomalacia

  • Nutritional hyperparathyroidism (nutritional osteodystrophy)
    • Also called fibrous osteodystrophy, “rubber jaw” or “bran disease”
    • More common in young, fast-growing animals
    • Pathogenesis:
      • Low calcium / high phosphate diets
        • -> Decreased calcium levels in serum
          • -> Parathyroid gland stimulated (may become enlarged)
            • -> Increased PTH
              • -> Increased bone resorption
    • Caused by poor diet
      • Cattle and sheep - usually mild disease
      • Swine fed un-supplemented cereal grain, usually mild disease
      • Dogs/cats fed all-meat or offal diets (Ca:P often as high as 1:20)
        • Few weeks after weaning
        • Provision of calcium alone correct the problem
        • Very brittle bones -> sponataneous fractures
        • Extreme porosity of the whole skeleton on radioghraphs
      • Horses fed bran
        • Very susceptible to high phosphorus diet
        • Any time after weaning, susceptibility declines after seventh year
        • Early signs:
          • Mild changes of gait
          • Stiffness
          • Transient shifting lameness
        • Advanced signs:
          • Swelling of mandible and maxilla - 'Big head'
          • Dyspnoea caused by swelling of nasal and frontal bones
          • Teeth lost or buried in softened jaw
          • Fractures from mild trauma
          • Detached tendons and ligaments
          • Histologically:
            • Marked loss of bone
            • Replacement by proliferative tissue
        • Often called Osteodystrophia fibrosa


Rickets in dog (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)
  • Essentially the same disease as osteomalacia
  • Caused by Vitamin D and phosphorus deficiency
  • In young animals
  • Failure of:
    • Mineralisation of osteoid at sites of membranous growth
    • Cartilage vascularisation and mineralisation at sites of endochondral ossification
  • Osteoid and catilage build up at those sites
  • Histologically:
    • Lines of hypertrophic cartilage cells are lenghtened and disorganised
    • Ossification at metaphysis is poor
    • Persisting osteoid and cartilage -> shaft modelling failure
    • Thuckened physes due to normal chondrocyte proliferation but defective removal
  • Ends of bones enlarge -> club-like thickening of metaphysis + compression of epiphysis
    • Most affected:
      • Proximal humerus
      • Distal radius
      • Ulna
      • Ribs
        • Enlargement of costochondral junction - called 'rachitic rosary'
  • Weight bearing leads to:
    • Thickening of the physis and
    • Flaring of the excess matrix at the metaphysis
  • Histological lesions heal whn diet corected
  • Minor deformities correct but major deformities remain
  • Occurs after weaning because:
    • In utero and in milk - adeqaute nutrients obtained at expense of dam
  • In Foals
    • Rare - long nursing period and relatively slow rate of growth
  • In Calves and lambs
    • When diet deficeint of phosphorus and poor exposure to sunlight
  • In Puppies, Kittens and Piglets
    • Rapid growth, weaned early -> fulminating rickets if poor exposure to sunlight and lack of vitamin D in diet


  • Failure of mineralisation of osteoid / softening of the bones
  • Active resorption of bone replaced by excess osteoid on trabeculae, endosteum of cortices and Haversian canals
  • Decreased resistance to tension -> osteoid build-up at tendon insertions
  • In advanced disease
    • Bones break easily and become deformed
    • Tendons may separate from bones
  • Caused by prolonged phosphorus and Vitamin D deficiency
    • Vitamin D maintains normal plasma levels of calcium and phosphorus through acting on the intestines, bones and kidneys
  • In mature animals
  • Mainly grazing ruminants following gestation and lactation
    • Sunlight is important for production of vitamin D in the skin of ruminants
    • Vitamin d is also present in sun-dried hay
    • Mostly seen where there is long grass growing season with poor sunlight

Hypovitaminosis A

  • Vitamin A is essential for normal bone growth in foetus and neonates
  • Hypovitaminosis from dietary deficiency of dam -> teratogenic in pigs and large cats
  • More commonly, deficiency in neonates (puppies, kittens, calves, piglets) on vitamin-deficient diets
  • Dietary deficiency -> failure of osteoclastic remodelling resulting in bone overgrowth and nerve compression
  • Optic nerves particularly affected

Hypervitaminosis A

Hypervitaminosis A (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)
  • Main lesions:
  • In cats fed bovine liver for prolonged periods
    • Rich in vitamin A in grazing animals
    • Vertebrae fuse with each other due to bone proliferation - cervical spondylosis (ankylosing exostosis of the vertebral column), especially in the neck
  • Can also be teratogenic, especially in pigs (cleft plate and abortions)

Hypervitaminosis D

  • May be of dietary or iatrogenic origin (has narrow safety margin)
  • Key features are hypercalcaemia with metastatic calcification of soft tissues
  • Acute poisoning
    • In dogs and cats often from rodenticides containing cholecalciferol
    • Grossly:
    • Microscopically:
      • Mucosal haemorrhage
      • Necrosis of crypts
      • Focal myocardial necrosis
      • Mineralisation of intestinal mucosa, blood vessel walls, lungs and kidneys
  • Chronic poisoning

Fluorine poisoning

  • F is widespread in nature
  • Pastures may be contaminated by industrial processes (e.g. brick manufacture)
  • Acute poisoning:
    • Gastroenteritis
    • Nephrosis
  • Chronic poisoning:
    • Dental abnormalities
      • Intoxication during teeth development
      • Foci of poor enamel formation - yellow, dark brown/black, chalky
      • Irregular wear of teeth, chip easily
    • Osteodystrophy = Fluorosis
      • Generalised skeletal disturbance
      • Most affected are metatarsals and mandibles
      • Periosteal hyperostosis + endosteal bone resorption -> thickened bones with enlarged marrow cavities

Lead poisoning

  • Lead can bind to mineral portion of bone and cartilage
  • In young animals ingesting large dose at once
    • -> Lead induced malfunction of osteoclasts
    • -> Transverse band of increased density on radiographs of metaphysis = "lead line" = growth retardation lattice