Summer Authors

From WikiVet English
Revision as of 16:38, 22 December 2011 by Bara (talk | contribs) (→‎Correcting current copyright information)

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Summer Authors' User Pages

Caz Rank

Lizzy Knowles

Sophie Ignarski

Nina Rzechorzek

Nick Jackson

Max Cory

Aimee Hicks

James Swann

Lizzie Slack

Hours worked table on user page

Please ensure you have a table with your hours worked on your user pages - here's one as an example:

Day Week 1 (5-11th July) Week 2 (12-18th July) Week 3 (19-25th July) Week 4 (26th Jul-1st Aug) Week 5 (2-8th Aug)
Total hours

Images and Copyright

Please have a look at the new improved way of uploading images - click on the link below!

Uploading a new image

Beware hidden copyright issues! Here it is in the public domain only in the USA.

Please make sure that we have permission to use the image. When using WikiMedia Commons, check all the copyright information to confirm it is OK to use.

Correcting current copyright information

File with no information.
Insert information.
File with information.

Copyright information must be available on the actual file page of the image, i.e. when you click on the image and it shows its full size. If it is not there, you must put it at least below the image by clicking on the 'edit' tab and inserting the information there.

When correcting image copyright information WITHOUT uploading onto the WikiVet website, put the 'Image sourced from original author and year if available, Wikimedia Commons' or other relevant copyright information below the actual picture (on the editing page).

Use the words 'All rights reserved' only when uploading an image taken by someone who has given us permission to use it on WikiVet but doesn't want the image used elsewhere. The content of WikiVet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 2.0 License unless otherwise specified. (This is now being updated to Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 License.

So, the acknowledgements table that is added underneath each image (when the image is already uploaded) or in the summary box when uploading a new image, needs to include the following information:

Source: Where the image was originally sourced from eg. WikiMedia Commons/RVC/Webpage/Owner if sourced directly Author: As many details as are given by the source - ideally name and date

Where copyright permission is granted to use an image on WikiVet but NOT to distribute it under a Creative Commons license (i.e. so that we can use it, but it can not be redistributed), the table also needs to include a third row of information:

Rights: All rights reserved

For all images taken from a Creative Commons source, all rights are NOT reserved, as they can be repurposed as previously stated.

In most cases:

Source WikiMedia Commons
Author Author name and year if available

In exceptional cases:

Source WikiMedia Commons or other source
Author Author name and year if available
Rights All rights reserved. - Only when applicable!

Information below the picture on the 'disease' page

Chronic bronchopneumonia (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)

It is good practice to provide the copyright information there too but it isn't sufficient on its own. (See above)