Amblyomma spp.

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Amblyomma spp.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Arachnida
Sub-class Acari
Super-order Parasitiformes
Order Ixodida
Super-family Ixodoidea
Family Ixodidae
Genus Amblyomma
Species A. americanum, A. variegatum

These ticks can be identified by;

  • Large size
  • Ornate scutums
  • Eyes present
  • Festoons
  • Long palps
  • Long legs

These ticks are distributed throughout tropical and sub-tropical areas of Africa as well as in temperate North America. The large mouth parts cause large painful bites and allow the females to ingest large volumes of blood which can lead to anaemia.

Amblyomma americanum

Amblyomma americanum, the lone star tick - CDC, Wikimedia Commons

Also known as: Lone star tick

This tick is found throughout central and eastern USA and is primarily important as a vector but has also been shown to reduce weight gain in cattle. It is responsible for transmission of Rickettsia rickettsii, Francisella tularensis, Q Fever and Berrelia burgdorferi

Amblyomma variegatum

Also known as: Bont ticks — Variegated or tropical bont tick

Found throughout Africa, this tick is very important in its ability to transmit Cowdria ruminatium (heartwater) in Africa as well as viral Nairobi sheep disease and Q Fever. There is distinct variation in the appearance of the males and female, the males are highly ornate with orange markings on the scutum compared to the brown female with a large pale patch on the scutum.

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Amblyoma spp. publications since 2000

Amblyomma americanum publications

Amblyomma variegatum publications


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