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WikiPath Community of Practice

The WikiPath Community of Practice was set up in July 2007 following funding from the HEA Centre for Medicine, Veterinary medicine and Dentistry and from JISC (via the HEA). This wiki was initiated at the first workshop held on the 31st July 2007.

Who we are

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Kim, Elisabeth, Linda, Tim, Sarah, Brian, Barbora, Alex, Lizzie, Susan, Nick, Vicki and Alun outside the LIVE Centre, after the 1st WikiPath workshop on the 31st July 2007

  • HEA Centre for Medicine, Dentistry & Veterinary Education

Why we are doing this?

  • To develop an online community that:
    • shares knowledge/experience/expertise
    • learns more than individuals would alone
    • develops and shares an understanding of effective online communities


Work with veterinary schools to discover what tools are in use and what aspects of CLIVE and VetSchools, supplemented by other technologies, would be the most use to them. The main focus in this phase will be on pathology resources but other areas identified will be logged as target areas for future projects; April – May 2007

  • Analyse the tools available to assess where JISC services ‘add value’ and can be integrated meaningfully for staff and students; June – Sept 2007
  • Set up wiki and media server at the University of London Computer Centre June 2007
  • Host first student wiki authoring workshop July 2007
  • Run a wiki showcase presentation for veterinary pathologists October 2007
  • Pilot the sharing of pathology wiki content with other veterinary schools November 2007
  • Upload Creative Commons veterinary educational resources onto server and provide links to wiki August 2007 – April 2008
  • Work with all UK veterinary schools to raise awareness of the resources available including presentations and promotional material October 2007 – April 2008
  • Evaluate the value of the resource and document the project for the benefit of the JISC April 2007 - April 2008

WikiPath is a sub-community of WikiVet
