Varroa destructor
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Arachnida
Order Mesostigmata
Family Varroidae
Genus Varroa
Species V.destructor
Kika De La Garza Subtropical Agricultural Research Center Weslaco, Texas, USA (Wikimedia Commons)
Kika De La Garza Subtropical Agricultural Research Center Weslaco, Texas, USA (Wikimedia Commons)
Also known as: Honeybee mite

The Varroa destructor mite is an external mite of honey bees. It causes varroatosis, which is no longer a notifiable disease in the UK.


The mite is oval in shape and 1-1.5mm in length. It is reddish-brown in colour and has 8 legs.

Life cycle

The mite has a 10 day life cycle. Eggs are laid in the hive and develop with the brood cells into mites.


The mites are blood-sucking, feeding on the bees and leaving open wounds. This weakens adult bees and damages growing larval bees, resulting in deformities.


Acaricidal strips can be hung between combs. Mites should be monitored and treated if widespread. Colonies in an apiary should be destroyed if there is an isolated outbreak.