Palpable Points - Horse Anatomy

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The Shoulder


Soft Tissue

  • Brachiocephalicus
  • Deltoid muscles
  • Triceps
  • Supraspinatus and infrapinatus

For further details see: Equine muscles

Antebrachium and Elbow



  • Identified between distal humeral epicondyle and lateral tuberosity of the radius. The collateral ligament runs between these two landmarks.

Soft tissue

  • Extensor carpi radialis
  • Common digital extensor
  • Extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris, the groove between these two muscles can be felt caudally
  • Tendon sheath of flexor carpi radialis

For further details see: Equine muscles

Metacarpal region and Carpus



Soft tissue

Metacarpophalangeal Joint


Soft tissue



Soft tissue


  • Coronary band and periople
  • Heel
  • Frog
  • Paracuneal sulcus
  • Sole
  • White line
  • Wall of hoof

For further details see: equine hoof


Thigh and Hindquarters


  • Tuber coxae
  • Greater trochanter of the femur
  • Third trochanter of the femur
  • Medial troclear ridge of the femur

Soft tissue

  • Semimembranosus
  • Semitendinosus
  • Biceps femoris
  • Quadriceps
  • Gluteals
  • Tensor fascia latae

Crus and Stifle


  • Lateral condyle of tibia
  • Lateral malleolus of tibia
  • Tibial crest
  • Patella


  • Femeropatellar joint
  • Femerotibial joint

Soft tissue

  • Cranial tibial
  • Long and lateral digital extensor muscles
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Deep digital flexor muscle
  • Patellar ligaments
  • Quadriceps
  • Combined tendon of fibularis tertius and long digital extensor
  • Lateral and medial collateral ligaments
  • Medial menisci
  • Popliteal tendon



  • Lateral and medial malleolus of the tibia
  • Trochlea of the talus
  • Sustentaculum tali
  • Heads of the splint bones


  • Tarsocrural joint
  • Proximal intertarsal joint
  • Distal intertarsal joint
  • Tarsometatarsal joint

Soft tissue

  • Cranial tibial
  • Peroneus tertius
  • Long digital extensor
  • Lateral digital extensor
  • Lateral collateral ligaments
  • Saphenous vein
  • Medial collateral ligaments of tarsocrural joint
  • Cunean tendon
  • Achilles tendon - SDFT, gastrocnemius, deep tarsal ligaments
  • Calcaneal bursa
  • Plantar ligament of calcaneus

Metatarsal Region


  • Splint bones

Soft tissue

  • Long digital extensor tendon
  • Lateral digital extensor tendon
  • Lateral and medial palmar artery
  • Suspensory ligament
  • Flexor tendons

Metatarsophalangeal Joint and Foot

  • As for forelimb

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