Meninges - Anatomy & Physiology

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Diagram of the meninges. Sourced from WikiMedia Commons, attributed to
  • The CNS is surrounded by several layers of tissue.
    1. Bone layer
      • E.g. the skull and the vertebrae.
    2. Dura-arachnoid layer.
      • Composed of the dura mater and arachnoid layer in close opposition.
      • Adhered to the skull in the calvaria.
    3. Pia mater.
  • The epidural space lies between the bone layer (skull or vertebrae) and the dura-arachnoid layer.
    • Local anaesthetic is injected here in epidural anaesthesia.
      • E.g. when calving cows.
  • The sub-arachnoid space lies between the arachnoid layer and the pia mater.
    • CSF filled.
    • This is where myelographic contrast medium is injected.