CMap HTML fix

From WikiVet English
Revision as of 22:14, 24 May 2011 by Bara (talk | contribs)

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The problem

When the code is put onto a wiki page the links do not match up with the correct tab.


The problem is that a link has been created, deleted and then recreated. This mean that the HTML code has two entries under one link and this will cause a malalignment with the links and there locations (both are separate in the HTML).

Viewing the source

  1. Right hand click the web page that was produced in CMaps and 'open with' notepad
    • OR open the page in Internet explorer and right click in the page (not the image) (or go 'Page') and select view source
      • This opens notepad (or equivalent) with the HTML

Finding the problem

  • Scroll down the file until you come to code that is like that seen in the image below
  • Now look for a break in the pattern. When you see the break delete the incorrect code
  • Now save the file (File>Save)
  • Re-run Content Map Converter and this time the links will be correctly aligned

CMap Fix.jpg