Category:To Do - Manson

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Pages needed to link to Manson clinical flashcard Q&As:

Notes from Steph

Small Mammals

Q1 and Q15 refer to pasteurellosis in guinea pigs and rabbits and could be linked to Pasteurella multocida but Chris and I did not think this particular bug site was very useful as it stands!

Q3 refers to mammary tumours in rats and could be linked from Mammary Neoplasia

Qs 2 & 4 refer to dentistry - formulae pages exist but contain no other information and the Abnormal Wear of Teeth page could be linked or improved to contain the information on rabbits and guinea pigs.

Q6 could be linked to Calcium but the current information contains no rabbit specific details

Uveitis – Rabbit needs improvement but is linked to Q7 already

Erythropoietic Porphyria is linked to Q8 but contains no mention of disease in rats

Q11 I have linked to Giardiasis which covers the disease in cats and dogs but says nothing about chinchillas or other species.

Q16 is linked to Demodicosis which looks like a very comprehensive page and has sections on many species but no small mammals - a hamster/small mammal subheading could easily be added

Q17 is linked to Rabbit Reproduction - Anatomy & Physiology but it does not contain all of the information required.

Hyperoestrogenism needs embellishing. No page exists on Ferret Adrenocortical disease/Cushings and the Hyperadrenocorticism page does not discuss ferrets. (Q18)

Dermatophytosis contains no info on T. erinacei but this could easily be added to the existing page. (Q20)

Avian Med

Haemochromatosis/iron storage disease in birds for Q2

Polyomavirus Q3

Feather Plucking Q4 and Q21

Mycobacterium avium exists and is linked but needs writing as it doesnt contain the answers to Q5 at present

Syngamus trachea contains no clinical signs info (Q6)

Q7 - a page on poisonous plants - could maybe cover all species and have an avian section

Q8 - Lung abscesss in birds

Q9 - Capillaria - exists but doesnt contain the answers as no clinical information is included

Q10 - Achromatosis

Q11 - Not sure which hepatitis to link to it or if a new page is required

Q12 - Avian sinusitis

Q13 - Crop fistula

Q14 is linked to Aspergillosis#Birds but this needs expansion

Q15 - Linked to Clostridium botulinum but could do with an avian section

Q16 - Candidiasis needs writing

Q17 - Avian traumatic eye injuries and lens luxation

Q18 - Cloacal urolithiasis - could be linked/added to Urolithiasis

Q19 discusses 2 answers...

Q22 - Gangrene

This category currently contains no pages or media.