WikiVet Student Ambassadors

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WikiVet are recruiting Student Ambassadors from every Vet School that is registered with WikiVet

Role of the Student Ambassadors

We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic students to help spread the word about WikiVet to your Vet Schools. To do this, we would request that you:

  • speak to your 1st year students about WikiVet
  • liaise with heads of department to discuss integration of WikiVet content into their teaching
  • act as a point of contact for the WikiVet team and help to recruit an academic representative of your vet school

What's in it for me?

  • Successful candidates will become part of the WikiVet team and help shape the site in the future.
  • You will be linked to your school's page on WikiVet as the official WikiVet representative.
  • One of you will be selected as a Student Chairman and will be invited to join the WikiVet team at their AGM in the UK.

How do I apply?

Please email the WikiVet team at and include a description of yourself, your use of WikiVet so far and why you feel you would be suitable for the position. Successful candidates will need a good grasp of the English language.

Current Student Ambassadors

Map of Student Ambassador locations

This will show all student ambassador locations to make it easy to spot if your school has one yet.

Schools marked with a red pin have not created a page but they do have a student ambassador who is trying to create one - why not help them?

<display_points center="10,25" type="normal" width="900px" height="600px" zoom="2">

51.344446, -2.780024|UK - Bristol Veterinary School, Bristol|Student Ambassador: Lindsay Baxter| 55.902314, -4.322176|UK - School of Veterinary Medicine, Glasgow|Student Ambassador: ]]| 55.865728, -3.200712|UK - Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh|Student Ambassador: Lisa Main| 51.713469, -0.210757|UK - Royal Veterinary College, London|Student Ambassador: Georgie Lethbridge| 52.830695, -1.250271|UK - School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Nottingham|Student Ambassadors: Bethany Shearman and Jessica Watson| 52.211760, 0.088697|UK - Cambridge Veterinary School, Cambridge|Contact student ambassador Eleanor Myerscough if you would like to help create this page| 47.289114, -1.522456|France - Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Nantes|Student Ambassador: Sébastien Lambert| 52.452413, 13.289789|Germany - Free University of Berlin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine|Student Ambassador: Dilyana Mangarova| 40.631052, 22.959243|Greece - University of Thessaly Faculty of Veterinary Science|Student Ambassador: Antonios Monastiridis| 44.513053, 11.407362|Italy - Universitá di Bologna Facoltá di Medicina Veterinaria|Student Ambassador: Giulia Baldoni| 47.503461, 19.078188|Hungary - Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science|Student Ambassador: Franziska Kluge| 27.655079, 84.351332|Nepal - Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur Campus, Chitwan|Student Ambassador: Yuvraj Panth| 36.906477, 10.047914|Tunisia - Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire de Sidi Thabet|Student Ambassador: Meriam Boltane| 10.638969, -61.398267|West Indies - University of the West Indies, School of Veterinary Medicine, Trinidad and Tobago|Student Ambassador: Jamila Beard| 52.082719, 5.178286|Netherlands - Universiteit Utrecht Faculty of Veterinary Medicine|Student Ambassadors: Kelly Hosman, Heike Peels and Annemiek Breteler| 53.309468, -6.222854|Ireland - University College Dublin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine|Student Ambassador: Amy Fitz and Aine Gilmore| 53.405387, -2.965879|UK - School of Veterinary Science, Liverpool|Student ambassador Sandy Lyons| 51.112178, 17.06475|Poland - Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine|Student ambassador Benedicte Helljesen| 38.021303, 46.420042|Iran - Tabriz University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine|Student ambassador Amin Azadian| 37.220683, -80.426316|USA - Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia|Student Ambassador: Anna Katogiritis| 0.339882, 32.568154|Uganda - Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-Security, Kampala|Student ambassador Paul Ssuna| -1.253951,36.729902|Kenya_-_University_of_Nairobi,_College_of_Agriculture_and_Veterinary_Sciences_(CAVS)|Student ambassador Silvester Kausei| 35.541873, 6.148712|Algeria - University of Batna, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences|Contact student ambassador Youcef Sahsahi if you would like to help create this page| 7.416528, 13.549986|Cameroon - University of Ngaoundéré, School of Science and Veterinary Medicine|Contact student ambassadors: Nguena Ranyl, Viviane Pouenpene, Ayebonje Rolland, Ngomna Soreya and Haman Zakari if you would like to help create this page| -6.561699,106.72662|Indonesia - Bogor Agricultural University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, West Java|Student ambassador Nugroho Yusuf| 13.738753, 100.530961|Thailand - Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangkok|Contact student ambassador Pitchaya Pokpong if you would like to help create this page| 35.176151, 126.905839|South Korea - Chonnam National University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gwangju|Contact student ambassador Yongheon Lee if you would like to help create this page| -15.391791,28.32741|Zambia - University of Zambia, Samora Machel School of Veterinary Medicine, Lusaka|Student ambassador Blesswell Nyangale| 43.533118,-80.226674|Canada - University of Guelph - Ontario Veterinary College|Student ambassador Chris Pinard| 28.035774,73.330479|India - Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner|Student ambassador: Dr. Mangesh Nakade| 13.029694, 77.585049|India - Bangalore Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Nandinagar, Bidar|Student ambassadors:Bhargava Teja and Anvitha| 22.465217, 90.382476|Bangladesh - Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine|Contact student ambassador Koushik Das if you would like to help create this page| 36.309813, 59.526591|Iran - Ferdowsi University of Mashad, School of Veterinary Medicine|Contact student ambassador Mostafa Yekta if you would like to help create this page| 22.644558, 120.609807|Taiwan - National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Neipu, Pinging|Contact student ambassador Huang Henry Ta-Heng if you would like to help create this page| 40.223803, 28.868079|Turkey - Uludag University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine|Student ambassador: Adil Ömer Karakuş and Fulya Şafak| 49.219447, 16.597938|Czech Republic - Veterinarni a Farmaceuticka Universita|Student ambassador: Emma Greaves| 31.103354, 30.947220|Egypt - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafr El-Sheikh University|Student ambassador: Omar Ibrahem Zain Al-Abdeen| 29.378265, 71.759250|Pakistan - The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, University College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences|Student ambassador: Bhutta Zeeshan Ahmad| 35.799516, -78.703397|USA - North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine|Student ambassador: Kristina Simmons| 42.006891, -93.632122|USA - Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine|Student ambassador: Reneé Dewell| </display_points>

If you would like to create your school page, view the Help page which gives instructions

Slim Zriba is our first Student Ambassador, from the National School of Veterinary Medicine of Sidi Thabet in Tunisia

Stacey Bates is our student ambassador from Glasgow vet school in the United Kingdom.

Anna Schwahofer is the student ambassador for Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science in Budapest.

Matías Aguilera is the student ambassador for Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias in Chile.

Dewi Sartika Ariyani is the student ambassador for Airlangga University in Indonesia.

Harisul Abid is the student ambassador for the Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in Bangladesh.

Jeneen Rybak is the student ambassador for Stautzenberger College, Maumee, Ohio in the USA.

Thomas Mitchell is the student ambassador of Bristol Veterinary School in the United Kingdom

Ana Mafalda Nunes is the student ambassador of Abel Salazar Institute for Biomedical Sciences in Oporto, Portugal

Lok Raj Joshi is the student ambassador of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur Campus, Chitwan in Nepal

Rebecca Aldoretta is the student ambassador for the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in the USA. Man-Hei Ma is the student ambassador for the School of Animal and Veterinary Science in Adelaide, Australia