Dental Mirror

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Revision as of 19:23, 4 June 2016 by Michuang0720 (talk | contribs)

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Dental mirror© Lisa Milella 2013

The dental mirror is not often used in veterinary dentistry, but is a useful tool as it allows you to visualise the palatal/lingual surfaces of the teeth easily. Orientation may cause confusion and the use of a dental mirror takes some practice. The mirror can be wiped across the buccal mucous membranes before use to prevent condensation occurring.

Dental mirrors are available in several sizes. A small (paediatric size) mirror is suitable for use in cats and small dogs and a larger one for medium to large dogs should also be available.

Endorsed by WALTHAM®, a leading authority in companion animal nutrition and wellbeing for over 50 years and the science institute for Mars Petcare. Waltham logo.jpg

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