Category:Cytology Q&A
Revision as of 09:02, 23 October 2018 by Ggaitskell (talk | contribs)
Veterinary Cytology Flashcards provided by Manson Publishing
This category contains Veterinary Cytology Q&A flashcards provided by Mansons publishing, as part of the OVAL Project. Each flashcard consists of descriptions of a veterinary cytology case with questions and answer.
These questions are taken from the Veterinary Cytology Self-Assessment Colour Review book which features a total of 163 questions.
- FNA from a mass in an 8yo dog
- Pyothorax in a 10yo cat
- Pleural fluid in a 9yo horse
- 6yo Golden Retriever with subcutaneous mass above hock
- 2yo DSH cat with history of coughing and gagging
- 6yo DSH with diffuse hepatomegaly
- 2yo male entire Beagle with nodular enlargements surrounding the anus
- 8yo dog with skin lesions and generalized, moderate lymphadenopathy
- 18mo dog with a 2cm pink mass on the right shoulder
- FNA of the liver of a vomiting, icteric, anaemic 8yo DSH cat
- FNA from a mass on the shoulder of a Thoroughbred horse
- Nasal flush from a 13yo DSH cat with sneezing and weight loss
- Smear from the abdominal fluid of a 14yo dog
- Friesian cow with swollen eyelids and blepharospasm
- Peritoneal fluid sample from a 3yo gelding with colic
- Peritoneal fluid sample from a 4yo cow 3 days after calving
- 7yo Jack Russell with an interdigital mass
- 18mo Staffie with patchy alopecia and erythema on its limbs and head
Pages in category "Cytology Q&A"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.