Category:Oral Cavity and Gingiva - Pathology

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Category:Oral Cavity - Erosive & Ulcerative Pathology

Category:Oral Cavity - Vesicular Pathology

Catarrhal Stomatitis

Granulomatous and pyogranulomatous Inflammation

Eosinophilic Inflammation

Eosinophilic Granuloma

Necrotizing Inflammation

Lymphocytic and plasmacytic Inflammation

Category:Oral Cavity - Immune Mediated Pathology


  • Occasionally see vesicles on the oral mucosa. associated with autoimmune diseases such as pemphigus vulgaris.


Category:Oral Cavity - Proliferative Pathology


Polychlorinated Napthalene Poisoning

Hyperplastic proliferative pathology

  • Polychlorinated biphenyl's (PCB's).
  • Used in all sorts of things.
  • Do not break down in environment and very toxic.
  • Poisoning was classically seen as proliferative stomatitis when PCB used to lubricate feed pellet making machine.
  • Vitamin A antagonist produces hyperkeratosis of mouth (like Vitamin A deficiency).



  • Pox infection
  • Quite a common zoonotic disease

Papular proliferative pathology

  • In sheep produces a proliferative nodule/papular mass on lips
  • In flocks in which it is endemic it is seen in lamb
  • If flock is non-immune seen in ewes too but much worse in lambs (may spread to inside of mouth)
  • Can spread to udder of ewe
  • Poxvirus infections produce local infection of prickle cells in epithelium with proliferation of cells and formation of papule followed by ulceration / necrosis and covered by necrotic epithelium
  • Eventually scabs form and crust drops off
  • Scabs - very infectious ( N.B.if touch -> catch it)

Bovine Papular stomatitis

Ring Zone Lesions of BPS - Calf (Courtesy of Alun Williams (RVC))
  • Parapox virus
  • Very similar disease to orf but seen in cattle and generally milder condition.
  • Must be differentiated from Foot and Mouth Disease and Mucosal Disease.
  • Sporadic, in cattle, less than 1 year old.
  • Develop papules on the muzzle, external nares and in the oral cavity; the oesophagus and forestomachs may also be affected.
  • Usually heals spontaneously.
  • The early lesions are round areas of intense congestion up to 1.5 cm in diameter.
  • The centre becomes necrotic and slightly depressed.
  • Slow peripheral extension of this lesion gives a classical ring zone formation with concentric rings of
    • yellow (necrosis),
    • grey (epithelial hyperplasia)
    • red (congestion).
  • There are focal areas of hydropic degeneration in the stratum spinosum
  • Large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion
  • Epidermis is markedly thickened.
  • The superficial layers of the epithelium become necrotic and slough.
  • Vesicle formation is not a feature of this disease.



Squamous cell carcinoma

Oral squamous cell carcinoma. Courtesy of T. Scase



Lesions due to uraemia associated with pyelonephritis/chronic renal failure (Courtesy of Alun Williams (RVC))
  • In terminal renal failure animal may present with painful ulcers in mouth, which become secondarily infected with Fusiformis.
    • High concentrations of toxic materials in the blood results in degeneration of small arterioles.
  • In the mouth, this damage to the blood supply can cause epithelial necrosis.
  • Usually seen as erosions along the ventrolateral borders of the tongue and on the cheeks, especially opposite the teeth.
  • In some cases there may be more extensive necrosis which may involve subepithelial tissue
    • for example, the tip of the tongue may slough.
  • Most commonly seen in dog sometimes in cat.

Category:Oral Cavity - Nutritional Pathology

Nicotinic Acid Deficiency

  • May also cause epithelial necrosis and sloughing.

Category:Oral Cavity - Traumatic Pathology

Ulcers Following Trauma

  • Any animal that is exposed to coarse feed or sharp things in food can suffer from ulcers in mouth.
  • They often become secondarily infected with production of metastatic infection that may result in large abscess on point of jaw.
    • i.e. trauma on tongue may lead to secondary infection that may lead to abscess in drainage lymph node.
  • Deep ulcers may occur as a result of trauma in any species.
  • These readily become secondarily infected by Fusiformis.
  • Produces a fibrin-covered ulcer.
  • Responds to antibiotics, but may leave a defect or scar in mucosa.

Vascular Pathology

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Cavity and Gingiva Flashcards


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Pages in category "Oral Cavity and Gingiva - Pathology"

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