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Gingiva is the oral mucosa surrounding the neck of each tooth forming the gums.

Structure and Function of the Gingiva

Gingiva is mucosal tissue over alveolar bone. It has a stratified squamous epithelium, with some keratinisation. It resists friction of food during mastication by being tightly bound to the underlying bone. It recedes with age, exposing the cervical part of the tooth. It is usually salmon pink in healthy animals. A colour change indicates pathology.

Mucogingival line

Labiogingival Groove Histology - Copyright RVC 2008

The mucogingival line is the junction between the attached gingiva and the free alveolar mucosa

Vasculature and Innervation of the Gingiva

The gingiva is supplied by the superior and inferior alveolar arteries.

There are blood vessels in the dental pulp cavity and a single branch in each major elevation of the crown.

Innervation is from the trigeminal nerve (CN V).

Species Differences


Some breeds of dog have dark gums, e.g. chow chow.

Gingiva Learning Resources
FlashcardsFlashcards logo.png
Test your knowledge using flashcard type questions
Teeth and Gingiva Flashcards
Category:Histology PowerPointsPowerPoint.png
Selection of relevant PowerPoint tutorials
Histology tutorial on the oral cavity

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