Avian Oral Cavity - Anatomy & Physiology

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Beak of a kestrel - Copyright nabrown RVC


In avian species, the lips and cheeks are replaced by the beak.

The beak is an area of dense, horny skin overlying the incisive bones of the mandible.

No modern birds possess teeth, however rudimentary enamel organs have been discovered in the embryos of some birds.

The size and structure of the avian tongue varies between species; it is related to the functional requirements of each species.

The avian hard palate contains a slit-like opening called the choanal opening which communicates with the nasal pharynx.

Avian Tongue - Copyright RVC 2008

Avian Oral Cavity - Anatomy & Physiology Learning Resources
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Avian Alimentary Tract
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Anatomy Museum Resources
Avian Interactive Anatomy - Bucopharyngeal Cavity 1
Avian Interactive Anatomy - Bucopharyngeal Cavity 2
Avian Interactive Anatomy - Bucopharyngeal Cavity 3
Avian Interactive Anatomy - Bucopharyngeal Cavity 4

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