Category:To Do - Manson

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Pages needed to link to Manson clinical flashcard Q&As:

Once finished with a page, please add it to Category:To Do - Manson review

Small Mammals

Q8 - still needs a page for the last question, may be small mammal husbandry?

Q9 - needs a page Skin Masses - Ferret (Siobhan)

Q10 - needs Spine Fractures - Rabbit (Helen)

Q14 - needs Anaesthesia and Surgery - Small Mammals to include general precautions (Helen)

Q17 - Rabbit Reproduction - Anatomy & Physiology please rewrite the page into sentences (Siobhan)

Avian Med

Q1 - can you please check all the info in the question is included on the page, I am not sure (Helen) added a few things so should be ok now

Q9 - Capillaria can you please check Capillaria - Poultry too and put that info into the same page?

Q11 - Not sure which hepatitis to link to it or if a new page is required; probably do a specific Hepatitis - Birds page, particularly including infectious agents

Q12 - Avian sinusitis (Siobhan) - Is this ready for review?

Q17 - Avian traumatic eye injuries and lens luxation (Helen)

Q18 - Cloacal urolithiasis - could be linked/added to Urolithiasis (Helen)

Q19 discusses 2 answers...


Q22 - Gangrene (Helen) think this is the right page, which I will complete: Low Temperature Damage

Q24 - Poxvirus Skin Infections needs completion (Helen), done but might want to link question to Fowl Pox instead?!

Q25 - Lead Poisoning needs completion (Helen)

Cattle Medicine

Equine Internal Medicine

  • Q5 – Glomerulonephritis needs completing and pathogenesis adding (immune mediated) (Helen)
  • Q7 – Upper Respiratory Tract Surgery – Tx for Epiglottic Entrapment (Helen)
  • Q8 – SFD/Thumps (Helen)
  • Q11 – Urachal diverticuli in foals (Helen)
  • Q13 – Septicaemia in foals (Siobhan)
  • Q14 – Equine uveitis (Helen)
  • Q10 – Thoracocentesis procedure (Siobhan)

Equine Orthopaedics & Rheumatology


Equine Reproduction & Stud Medicine

  • Q1 - Neonatal Maladjustment Syndrome/Dummy foal syndrome (Helen)
  • Q5 - Umbilical cord twisting (Helen)
  • Q8 - A general page on equine pregnancy features and milestones, e.g. MRP, endometrial cups etc (Helen) I just did the pregnancy structures page as that is enough to answer the question!
  • Q10 - Castration complications (this case is omental prolapse but maybe a page covering all of them would be useful?) (Siobhan)
  • Q12 - Endometritis - could be written with both cattle and equine info on. (Siobhan)
  • Q13 - Not really sure what page to write for this as no dx is decided!

-Perhaps prepubic tendon rupture would be a good one to write and link to it. (Helen)

  • Q16 - Teasing procedure (Siobhan)

Sheep Medicine


Small Animal Dermatology

  • Q6 - Urine scalding or a general page on skin irritants (Helen) added bits to the Contact Dermatitis page
  • Q11 - Sarcoptic Mange just needs to be updated with new diagnostic tests and linked. (Helen)
  • Q17 - Needs page on Tail Dock Neuromas for final part of the question (Helen)




  • Lymphoma I decided to combine the two pages into one.
    • Can you please add horse related: clinical signs, physical examination, any specific laboratory tests, treatment (Siobhan)


(Helen) malignant spindle cell tumours are also called soft tissue sarcomas, and the cytology part of the spindle cell tumour article covers the questions asked.. I might write to someone about the distinction as I am a little confused..

(Bara) Yes, I am confused. It would need explaining on the page I think.


  • Adenoma - can you please modify the whole page. If there is a lot of info about all adenomas, it may be worth creating a separate page for perianal adenoma instead, let me know what you find out. (Helen)


  • Please have another look at Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I just read the first sentence and it really isn't a suitable start. I haven't read the rest yet but the formatting needs looking at too. (Siobhan)


  • Demodex needs larval description, Demodicosis needs to mention need to identify larvae under diagnosis. (Siobhan)

WHICH QUESTIONS IN WV DO THE PAGES BELOW BELONG TO? (Helen) We had a little mix-up and I updated articles for all the questions from a list we were given, but only 18 questions were uploaded.. sorry!

(Helen) Numbers refer to question numbers in the book:

10 - Cushings: just needs cytology features of liver added (Helen)

28 - Haemangiopericytoma and spindle cell tumours Helen)

120 - Mammary Neoplasia needs completing (Helen)

121 - Mare normal uterine washing findings (Siobhan)

131 - tuberculosis (Helen) I updated Tuberculosis - Dogs but put info on cats as well. Probably easiest to rename page Tuberculosis - Dogs & Cats

132 - Trichodectes canis needs completing (Helen)

135 - Maybe just need to complete Mare oestrous cycle as just talks about uterine washing results during anoestrus (Siobhan)

137 - Transitional Cell Carcinoma needs completing (Helen)

139 - Otitis Externa - Cat and Dog needs completing as for the moment only deals with Otodectes otitis, need to add fungal and other causes, and general investigation and treatment (Helen)

146 - Melanoma needs completing (Helen)

155 - Giant cell tumour of bone needs a page (Helen)

158 - Mesothelial cells needs completing (Helen)

161 - several diseases discussed: Filaroides osleri needs completing (Helen)

162 - Mast Cell Tumour needs doing (Helen)

Feline Medicine

Q&A 01 - Complete ECG and Atrial Standstill (Siobhan)

Q&A 02 - There is a Pemphigus page but probably needs a Pemphigus Foliaceus page (Helen)

Q&A 05 - Chronic Renal Failure needs doing (Siobhan)

Q&A 06 - Needs a Congenital Pyloric Stenosis page (Helen)

Q&A 09 - Toxocara cati needs completing (Helen)

Q&A 10 - Cat Flu needs completing as a disease complex, and maybe treatment and vaccination problems added there rather than on individual disease page, like Feline Calicivirus. (Helen)

Q&A 12 - Lymphoma needs a few things added, for clinical exam. Maybe also do Thymus Neoplasia?! (Siobhan)

Q&A 14 - Hypokalaemia needs doing (Siobhan)

Q&A 15 - Not sure what this one needs either! (Helen)

Q&A 16 - Needs page on Uveitis - Cats or Uveitis (Helen)

Q&A 17 - Vaccine site-associated sarcoma page needs to be done (Helen)

Q&A 18 - Mammary Hyperplasia needs a page (Helen)

Q&A 19 - Needs additions about nasal neoplasia to Lymphoma and Adenocarcinoma (Helen)

Q&A 22 - Needs a Renal Biopsy page, and info added to FIP (Helen)

Q&A 24 - Do page Acute Renal Failure, especially treatment (Siobhan)

Rabbit Medicine and Surgery

2 - Atrial Fibrillation needs completing (Helen)

3 - needs a page on scent glands in rabbits? can't find one on wikivet in the anat and phys section (Helen)

5 - Add info in Lead Poisoning about clin path (Helen)

8 - Non-Obstructive Ileus – Rabbit needs more info, diagnostic, treatment (Helen)

9 - Rabbit Haemorrhatic Disease Virus needs more info (Helen)

10 - Pseudopregnancy - Rabbit needs a page (Helen)

11 - Make Encephalitozoon cuniculi – Rabbit page prettier (Helen)

12 - Blepharitis needs a page (Helen)

13 - Exophthalmos – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

14 - Treponema cuniculi – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

15 - Page on Congestive Heart Failure - Rabbit maybe?

17 - Leporacarus needs completing (Helen)

18 - Pododermatitis – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

20 - needs something! (Helen) probably article on Haematuria

21 - Uterine Adenocarcinoma - Rabbit needs doing (Helen)

Small animals ECC

01 - Endocarditis needs completing

02 - Ventricular Tachycardia needs completing

04 - page on stabilising a cat with dyspnoea

05 - Collapsing Trachea needs completing (Helen)

06 - Feline Asthma Syndrome needs more info

07 - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

08 - Either complete Diabetes Mellitus or create new page, Diabetic Ketoacidosis

09 - Hypocalcaemia needs completing (Helen)

10 - Bacterial Prostatitis or just Prostatitis needs a page

11 - Uterine Prolapse has no small animal info

12 - Feline Infectious Anaemia needs a bit more info for the question, also Administering a Blood Transfusion

13 - Lens Luxation needs a page

14 - Uveitis - Dog

15 - Atlantoaxial Luxation

16 - Intervertebral Disc Degeneration needs alot more info

17 - Anaphylaxis needs a page

18 - Panosteitis needs completing (Helen)

19 - Tibial Crest Avulsion needs a page

This category currently contains no pages or media.