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Q9 - [[Neonatal Isoerythrolysis]] needs adding info about kernicterus from the question
Q9 - [[Neonatal Isoerythrolysis]] needs adding info about kernicterus from the question
Q16 - also please improve [[Equine Adenovirus]]
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Revision as of 22:12, 22 August 2011

Pages needed to link to Manson clinical flashcard Q&As:

Once finished with a page, please add it to Category:To Do - Manson review

Small Mammals

Q8 - still needs a page for the last question, may be small mammal husbandry?

Q9 - needs a page Skin Masses - Ferret (Siobhan)

Q10 - needs Spine Fractures - Rabbit (Helen)

Q14 - needs Anaesthesia and Surgery - Small Mammals to include general precautions (Helen)

Q17 - Rabbit Reproduction - Anatomy & Physiology please rewrite the page into sentences (Siobhan)

Avian Med

Q1 - can you please check all the info in the question is included on the page, I am not sure (Helen) added a few things so should be ok now

Q9 - Capillaria can you please check Capillaria - Poultry too and put that info into the same page? (Helen) put C. - Poultry info into Capillaria page.. so can probably delete Capillaria - Poultry?!

Q11 - (Not sure which hepatitis to link to it or if a new page is required); probably do a specific Hepatitis - Birds page, particularly including infectious agents (Helen)

Q12 - Avian sinusitis (Siobhan) - Is this ready for review Siobhan?

Q19 - Do Yersiniosis - Birds or Salmonellosis - Birds or both

Cattle Medicine

Equine Internal Medicine

Q2 - Corneal Ulcer - Horse needs checking/completing (Helen)

Q3 - Coagulation Tests needs checking and Liver Failure completing and making sure the question is answered. You can create Liver Failure - Horse if you think this would be more appropriate.

Q4 - I think we need Equine Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction page with all the relevant aka terms etc. (Helen)

Q6 - needs Guttural Pouch Empyema completing, Streptococcus equi subsp. equi needs checking for info inclusion.(Siobhan)

Q7 - also needs Dorsal Displacement of Soft Palate (Helen)

Q9 - Neonatal Isoerythrolysis needs adding info about kernicterus from the question

Q16 - also please improve Equine Adenovirus

  • Q10 – Thoracocentesis procedure (Siobhan)

Equine Orthopaedics & Rheumatology


Equine Reproduction & Stud Medicine

  • Q1 - Neonatal Maladjustment Syndrome/Dummy foal syndrome (Helen)
  • Q5 - Umbilical cord twisting (Helen)
  • Q8 - A general page on equine pregnancy features and milestones, e.g. MRP, endometrial cups etc (Helen) I just did the pregnancy structures page as that is enough to answer the question!
  • Q10 - Castration complications (this case is omental prolapse but maybe a page covering all of them would be useful?) (Siobhan)
  • Q12 - Endometritis - could be written with both cattle and equine info on. (Siobhan)
  • Q13 - Not really sure what page to write for this as no dx is decided!

-Perhaps prepubic tendon rupture would be a good one to write and link to it. (Helen)

  • Q16 - Teasing procedure (Siobhan)

Sheep Medicine


Small Animal Dermatology

  • Q6 - Urine scalding or a general page on skin irritants (Helen) added bits to the Contact Dermatitis page
  • Q11 - Sarcoptic Mange just needs to be updated with new diagnostic tests and linked. (Helen)
  • Q17 - Needs page on Tail Dock Neuromas for final part of the question (Helen)




  • Lymphoma I decided to combine the two pages into one.
    • Can you please add horse related: clinical signs, physical examination, any specific laboratory tests, treatment (Siobhan)


(Helen) I emailed one of our derm lecturers: malignant spindle cell tumours are sarcomas. I will change the Spindle Cell Tumours page to make it more obvious.

(Bara) Yes, I am confused. It would need explaining on the page I think.


  • Adenoma - can you please modify the whole page. If there is a lot of info about all adenomas, it may be worth creating a separate page for perianal adenoma instead, let me know what you find out. (Helen)


  • Please have another look at Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I just read the first sentence and it really isn't a suitable start. I haven't read the rest yet but the formatting needs looking at too. (Siobhan)


  • Demodex needs larval description, Demodicosis needs to mention need to identify larvae under diagnosis. (Siobhan)

WHICH QUESTIONS IN WV DO THE PAGES BELOW BELONG TO? (Helen) We had a little mix-up and I updated articles for all the questions from a list we were given, but only 18 questions were uploaded.. sorry!

(Helen) Numbers refer to question numbers in the book:

10 - Cushings: just needs cytology features of liver added (Helen)

28 - Haemangiopericytoma and spindle cell tumours Helen)

120 - Mammary Neoplasia needs completing (Helen)

121 - Mare normal uterine washing findings (Siobhan)

131 - tuberculosis (Helen) I updated Tuberculosis - Dogs but put info on cats as well. Probably easiest to rename page Tuberculosis - Dogs & Cats

132 - Trichodectes canis needs completing (Helen)

135 - Maybe just need to complete Mare oestrous cycle as just talks about uterine washing results during anoestrus (Siobhan)

137 - Transitional Cell Carcinoma needs completing (Helen)

139 - Otitis Externa - Cat and Dog needs completing as for the moment only deals with Otodectes otitis, need to add fungal and other causes, and general investigation and treatment (Helen)

146 - Melanoma needs completing (Helen)

155 - Giant cell tumour of bone needs a page (Helen)

158 - Mesothelial cells needs completing (Helen)

161 - several diseases discussed: Filaroides osleri needs completing (Helen)

162 - Mast Cell Tumour needs doing (Helen)

Feline Medicine

Q&A 01 - Complete ECG and Atrial Standstill (Siobhan)

Q&A 02 - There is a Pemphigus page but probably needs a Pemphigus Foliaceus page (Helen)

Q&A 05 - Chronic Renal Failure needs doing (Siobhan)

Q&A 06 - Needs a Congenital Pyloric Stenosis page (Helen)

Q&A 09 - Toxocara cati needs completing (Helen)

Q&A 10 - Cat Flu needs completing as a disease complex, and maybe treatment and vaccination problems added there rather than on individual disease page, like Feline Calicivirus. (Helen)

Q&A 12 - Lymphoma needs a few things added, for clinical exam. Maybe also do Thymus Neoplasia?! (Siobhan)

Q&A 14 - Hypokalaemia needs doing (Siobhan)

Q&A 15 - Not sure what this one needs either! (Helen)

Q&A 16 - Needs page on Uveitis - Cats or Uveitis (Helen)

Q&A 17 - Vaccine site-associated sarcoma page needs to be done (Helen)

Q&A 18 - Mammary Hyperplasia needs a page (Helen)

Q&A 19 - Needs additions about nasal neoplasia to Lymphoma and Adenocarcinoma (Helen)

Q&A 22 - Needs a Renal Biopsy page, and info added to FIP (Helen)

Q&A 24 - Do page Acute Renal Failure, especially treatment (Siobhan)

Rabbit Medicine and Surgery

2 - Atrial Fibrillation needs completing (Helen)

3 - needs a page on scent glands in rabbits? can't find one on wikivet in the anat and phys section (Helen)

5 - Add info in Lead Poisoning about clin path (Helen)

8 - Non-Obstructive Ileus – Rabbit needs more info, diagnostic, treatment (Helen)

9 - Rabbit Haemorrhatic Disease Virus needs more info (Helen)

10 - Pseudopregnancy - Rabbit needs a page (Helen)

11 - Make Encephalitozoon cuniculi – Rabbit page prettier (Helen)

12 - Blepharitis needs a page (Helen)

13 - Exophthalmos – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

14 - Treponema cuniculi – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

15 - Page on Congestive Heart Failure - Rabbit maybe?

17 - Leporacarus needs completing (Helen)

18 - Pododermatitis – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

20 - needs something! (Helen) probably article on Haematuria

21 - Uterine Adenocarcinoma - Rabbit needs doing (Helen)

Small animals ECC

01 - Endocarditis needs completing

02 - Ventricular Tachycardia needs completing (Siobhan)

04 - page on stabilising a cat with dyspnoea (Siobhan)

05 - Collapsing Trachea needs completing (Helen)

06 - Feline Asthma Syndrome needs more info (Helen)

07 - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (Helen)

08 - Either complete Diabetes Mellitus or create new page, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (Helen)

09 - Hypocalcaemia needs completing (Helen)

10 - Bacterial Prostatitis or just Prostatitis needs a page

11 - Uterine Prolapse has no small animal info

12 - Feline Infectious Anaemia needs a bit more info for the question, also Administering a Blood Transfusion (Helen)

13 - Lens Luxation needs a page (Helen)

14 - Uveitis - Dog

15 - Atlantoaxial Luxation (Helen)

16 - Intervertebral Disc Degeneration needs alot more info (Siobhan)

17 - Anaphylaxis needs a page

18 - Panosteitis needs completing (Helen)

19 - Tibial Crest Avulsion needs a page

Veterinary Dentistry

1 - Temporomandibular Luxation needs completing

2 - Ameloblastoma, Central needs completing

3 - Persistent Deciduous Tooth needs doing

4 - Dental Discolouration needs doing

5 - Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma complete info and add dog there too (?!)

6 - Tooth Fractures needs doing

7 - Acromegaly needs completing

8 - Sialolithiasis needs doing, Sialolithiasis - Donkey can maybe go there too?! - will need to keep the donkey page separate as it is a different source/funding/agreement (BS)

9 - some sort of malocclusion page

10 - Salivary Mucocele needs a few things added maybe

11 - Maybe a page on Periodontal Pockets or complete Periodontal Disease

12 - Check Hyperparathyroidism page to see if all info there

13 - Either complete Odontodystrophy or create Enamel Hypoplasia page

14 - Create Halitosis page

15 - Complete Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

16 - High-Rise Syndrome needs doing

17 - Check Uraemia for completeness

18 - Lip Fold Dermatitis needs doing

19 - Abnormal Wear of Teeth needs completing

20 - Eruption Cysts needs doing

21 - Check Incisor Overgrowth – Rabbit, and Cheek Teeth Malocclusion – Rabbit

22 - Cheek Tooth Extraction - Horse page?

This category currently contains no pages or media.