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Q16 - Can you please adapt the references to the latest style here too [[Megacolon]] '''Helen''' - sorry, I probably wasn't clear, I mean like e.g. here [[Encephalomyocarditis Virus]], have you done these before? (Helen) yes I have, I'll do that now
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Revision as of 20:26, 23 October 2011

Pages needed to link to Manson clinical flashcard Q&As:

Once finished with a page, please add it to Category:To Do - Manson review

Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery

22 - complete Laryngeal Paralysis (Helen)

Small Animal Orthopaedics

01 - add to Degenerative Joint Disease (Helen)

02 - create Carpal Hyperextension (Siobhan)

03 - add to Mandibular Fractures (Siobhan)

04 - complete Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (Helen)

05 - complete Canine Dermatomyositis (Helen)

06 - complete Incomplete Ossification of Humeral Condyle (Helen)

07 - create Physeal Fractures (Helen)

08 - complete Hip Dysplasia (Helen)

09 - complete Craniomandibular Osteopathy (Helen)

10 - create Gracilis Muscle Avulsion (Helen) created Muscle Strains and Ruptures

11 - complete Osteochondrosis or create Retained Cartilage Cores (Helen)

12 - complete Hypertrophic Osteopathy (Helen)

13 - complete Calve Legg-Perthe's Disease (Helen)

14 - create Infraspinatus Muscle Contracture (Helen) created Muscle Contracture

15 - complete Infectious Arthritis or create dog-specific page (Helen)

16 - complete Patellar Luxation (Helen)

17 - create Periosteal Proliferative Polyarthritis (Helen)

18 - complete Elbow Dysplasia (Helen)

Small Animal Abdominal and Metabolic Disorders

01 - Pulmonary Embolism, Thrombosis and Infarction already exists, but maybe create Pulmonary Thromboembolism? (Helen)

Also complete Protein Losing Enteropathy (Helen)

02 - create Urethral Sphincter Mechanism Incompetence (Helen)

03 - create Vaginal Hyperplasia (Helen)

04 - create Hepatocutaneous Syndrome (Helen)

05 - complete Cystitis (Siobhan)

06 - check Diabetes Mellitus (Helen)

07 - check Hypoadrenocorticism (Helen)

08 - complete Ovarian Cysts (Siobhan)

09 - check Hepatic Lipidosis (Helen)

10 - improve Intersex (Helen)

11 - create Ovarian Remnant Syndrome (Siobhan)

12 - complete Isospora spp. (Helen)

13 - check Feline Infectious Peritonitis (Helen)

14 - check Intussusception (Helen)

15 - improve Helicobacter (Helen)

16 - create Pseudopregnancy (Helen)

17 - check Hypothyroidism (Helen)

18 - check and improve Megacolon (Helen)

19 - improve Sertoli Cell Tumour (Helen)

Reptiles and Amphibians

01 - check Snake Mites (Siobhan)

02 - create Hemipenis Prolapse (Siobhan)

03 - improve Metabolic Bone Disease (Siobhan)

04 - Spirochaetosis page, not sure how to name it

05 - improve Steatitis(Siobhan)

06 - improve Metabolic Bone Disease (Siobhan)

07 - check Lead Poisoning (Siobhan)

08 - there is Aeromonas species in lizards which maybe could become 'in reptiles and amphibians'?? (Siobhan) - created Red-leg Syndrome which is the condition seen in amphibians, hope thats ok? SB

09 - check Hepatic Lipidosis (Siobhan)

10 - Maybe create complete Snake Neurological Diseases(Siobhan)

11 - check Heterophils(Siobhan)

12 - complete Metabolic Bone Disease (Siobhan)

13 - complete Lead Poisoning (Siobhan)

14 - complete Snake Dysecdysis (Siobhan)

15 - create Hypovitaminosis C - Reptiles (Siobhan)

16 - complete Parietal eye (Siobhan)

17 - maybe create new Hypothyroidism for reptiles page or create Iodine Deficiency.. not sure! - decided to create new Hypothyroidism - Reptiles, think its the simplest way of incuding it - SB (Siobhan)

18 - maybe complete Abnormal Wear of Teeth or ceate new page (Siobhan) - created Beak Overgrowth - Chelonia - SB

19 - there is already Snake Gout so not sure if make that into reptile Gout? (Siobhan) - I created the Reptile Gout page, and put the snake gout into the delete category, but all the snake info is still on the new page, so if you dont like the new page it'll be easy to change back - SB

20 - check Snake Cryptosporidiosis(Siobhan)

21 - check Lizard Mites (Siobhan)

22 - maybe create Reptile Cardiovascular Disease (Helen)

23 - complete Giardiasis or create new page (Siobhan)

24 - complete Lizard Musculoskeletal System or Autotomy (Siobhan) - I added the info to both pages as they were very similar - SB

Ornamental Fish

01 - create Stress Shock Syndrome (Helen)

02 - new page, Ovaria Prolapse - Fish or Prolapse - Fish (Helen) Vent Prolapse - Fish

03 - check Columnaris Disease (Helen)

04 - create Swim Bladder Disorders (Helen) Buoyancy Disorders

05 - create Carp Pox (Helen)

06 - create Chlorine Toxicity (Helen) Chlorine/Chloramine Toxicity

07 - create Dropsy (Helen)

08 - something to do with goitre, or iodine deficiency (Helen) Goitre - Fish

09 - create Branchiomycosis (Helen)

10 - create Fish Louse (Siobhan)

11 - create Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Helen)

12 - check Cold Water Disease (Helen)

13 - create Nitrite Toxicity (Helen)

14 - create something on Saprolegnia (Helen) Saprolegniasis

15 - create henneguya koi page (Helen) Henneguya koi

16 - create Anaesthesia - Fish (Helen)

17 - create Eye Fluke or Diplostomum (Helen)

18 - create Algal Bloom (Helen)

19 - create page on Trichodina (Helen) Trichodina spp.

20 - create Gill Hyperplasia or Gill Irritation (Helen)

21 - create Fish Handling (Helen) Fish Handling

22 - create Supersaturation (Helen) Gas Bubble Disease

23 - vitamin C deficiency? (Helen)

24 - create Papilloma - Fish (Helen)

25 - Gill Fluke (Helen)

26 - Head and Lateral Line Erosion (Helen)

Small Mammals

DONE - OPEN - Publicised

Avian Med

DONE - OPEN - Publicised

Cattle Medicine

DONE - OPEN - Reviewed - Publicised (both blog and Facebook)

Equine Internal Medicine

DONE - OPEN - Publicised

Equine Orthopaedics & Rheumatology

DONE - OPEN - Publicised - Reviewed

Sheep Medicine

DONE - OPEN - Publicised (just blog)

Small Animal Dermatology


Equine Reproduction & Stud Medicine




Feline Medicine

DONE - OPEN - BLOGGED (couldn't upload image onto blog) - Facebook

Rabbit Medicine and Surgery


Small animals ECC


Veterinary Dentistry


This category currently contains no pages or media.