Category:To Do - Manson

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Pages needed to link to Manson clinical flashcard Q&As:

Once finished with a page, please add it to Category:To Do - Manson review

Equine Reproduction & Stud Medicine

Q1 - needs Blepharitis check/add horse info (Helen)

- Conjunctivitis page

Q2 - Wry Nose needs completion (Helen)

Q14 - Taylorella equigenitalis needs adapting (Helen)

Q20 - Dystocia - Horse (Helen) - needs either adding surgery option or separate page "caesarean section" (Helen) created Caesarean Section - Horse




  • Lymphoma I decided to combine the two pages into one.
    • Can you please add horse related: clinical signs, physical examination, any specific laboratory tests, treatment (Siobhan)


  • Adenoma - can you please modify the whole page. If there is a lot of info about all adenomas, it may be worth creating a separate page for perianal adenoma instead, let me know what you find out. (Helen)


  • Please have another look at Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I just read the first sentence and it really isn't a suitable start. I haven't read the rest yet but the formatting needs looking at too. (Siobhan)


  • Demodex needs larval description, Demodicosis needs to mention need to identify larvae under diagnosis. (Siobhan)

WHICH QUESTIONS IN WV DO THE PAGES BELOW BELONG TO? (Helen) We had a little mix-up and I updated articles for all the questions from a list we were given, but only 18 questions were uploaded.. sorry!

(Helen) Numbers refer to question numbers in the book:

10 - Cushings: just needs cytology features of liver added (Helen)

28 - Haemangiopericytoma and spindle cell tumours Helen)

120 - Mammary Neoplasia needs completing (Helen)

121 - Mare normal uterine washing findings (Siobhan)

131 - tuberculosis (Helen) I updated Tuberculosis - Dogs but put info on cats as well. Probably easiest to rename page Tuberculosis - Dogs & Cats

132 - Trichodectes canis needs completing (Helen)

135 - Maybe just need to complete Mare oestrous cycle as just talks about uterine washing results during anoestrus (Siobhan)

137 - Transitional Cell Carcinoma needs completing (Helen)

146 - Melanoma needs completing (Helen)

155 - Giant cell tumour of bone needs a page (Helen)

158 - Mesothelial cells needs completing (Helen)

161 - several diseases discussed: Filaroides osleri needs completing (Helen)

Feline Medicine

Q2, 3, 4 - picture needed

Q5 - needs lab results

Q&A 09 - Toxocara cati needs completing (Helen)

Q&A 10 - Cat Flu needs completing as a disease complex, and maybe treatment and vaccination problems added there rather than on individual disease page, like Feline Calicivirus. (Helen)

Q&A 12 - Lymphoma needs a few things added, for clinical exam. Maybe also do Thymus Neoplasia?! (Siobhan)

Q&A 14 - Hypokalaemia needs doing (Siobhan)

Q&A 15 - Not sure what this one needs either! (Helen)

Q&A 16 - Needs page on Uveitis - Cats or Uveitis (Helen)

Q&A 17 - Vaccine site-associated sarcoma page needs to be done (Helen)

Q&A 18 - Mammary Hyperplasia needs a page (Helen)

Q&A 19 - Needs additions about nasal neoplasia to Lymphoma and Adenocarcinoma (Helen)

Q&A 22 - Needs a Renal Biopsy page, and info added to FIP (Helen)

Q&A 24 - Do page Acute Renal Failure, especially treatment (Siobhan)

Rabbit Medicine and Surgery

2 - Atrial Fibrillation needs completing (Helen)

3 - needs a page on scent glands in rabbits? can't find one on wikivet in the anat and phys section (Helen)

5 - Add info in Lead Poisoning about clin path (Helen)

8 - Non-Obstructive Ileus – Rabbit needs more info, diagnostic, treatment (Helen)

9 - Rabbit Haemorrhatic Disease Virus needs more info (Helen)

10 - Pseudopregnancy - Rabbit needs a page (Helen)

11 - Make Encephalitozoon cuniculi – Rabbit page prettier (Helen)

12 - Blepharitis needs a page (Helen)

13 - Exophthalmos – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

14 - Treponema cuniculi – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

15 - Page on Congestive Heart Failure - Rabbit maybe?

17 - Leporacarus needs completing (Helen)

18 - Pododermatitis – Rabbit needs completing (Helen)

20 - needs something! (Helen) probably article on Haematuria

21 - Uterine Adenocarcinoma - Rabbit needs doing (Helen)

Small animals ECC

01 - Endocarditis needs completing (Helen)

02 - Ventricular Tachycardia needs completing (Siobhan)

04 - page on stabilising a cat with dyspnoea (Siobhan)

05 - Collapsing Trachea needs completing (Helen)

06 - Feline Asthma Syndrome needs more info (Helen)

07 - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (Helen)

08 - Either complete Diabetes Mellitus or create new page, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (Helen)

09 - Hypocalcaemia needs completing (Helen)

10 - Bacterial Prostatitis or just Prostatitis needs a page (Helen)

11 - Uterine Prolapse has no small animal info (Helen)

12 - Feline Infectious Anaemia needs a bit more info for the question, also Administering a Blood Transfusion (Helen)

13 - Lens Luxation needs a page (Helen)

14 - Uveitis - Dog (Helen) I updated Uveitis - Cat which should be changed to Uveitis - Dog and Cat

15 - Atlantoaxial Luxation (Helen)

16 - Intervertebral Disc Degeneration needs alot more info (Siobhan)

17 - Anaphylaxis needs a page (Helen)

18 - Panosteitis needs completing (Helen)

19 - Tibial Crest Avulsion needs a page (Helen)

Veterinary Dentistry

1 - Temporomandibular Luxation needs completing (Helen)

2 - Ameloblastoma, Central needs completing (Helen)

3 - Persistent Deciduous Teeth needs doing (Helen) also maybe a page on the Triadan System? Modified Triadan System

4 - Dental Discolouration needs doing (Helen)

5 - Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma complete info and add dog there too (?!) (Helen)

6 - Tooth Fractures needs doing (Helen)

7 - Acromegaly needs completing (Helen)

8 - Sialolithiasis needs doing, Sialolithiasis - Donkey can maybe go there too?! - will need to keep the donkey page separate as it is a different source/funding/agreement (BS) (Siobhan)

9 - some sort of malocclusion page

10 - Salivary Mucocele needs a few things added maybe (Siobhan)

11 - Maybe a page on Periodontal Pockets or complete Periodontal Disease (Helen)

12 - Check Hyperparathyroidism page to see if all info there (Siobhan)

13 - Either complete Odontodystrophy or create Enamel Hypoplasia page

14 - Create Halitosis page (Helen)

15 - Complete Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Helen)

16 - High-Rise Syndrome needs doing (Helen)

17 - Check Uraemia for completeness (Helen)

18 - Lip Fold Dermatitis needs doing (Siobhan)

19 - Abnormal Wear of Teeth needs completing

20 - Eruption Cysts needs doing (Helen)

21 - Check Incisor Overgrowth – Rabbit - didnt think this page needed anything added - Siobhan. Cheek Teeth Malocclusion – Rabbit (Siobhan)

22 - Cheek Tooth Extraction - Horse page? (Siobhan)

Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery

01 - Cleft Palate to check (Siobhan)

02 - Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus add a bit more on surgery (Siobhan)

03 - create Aortic Thromboembolism (Siobhan)

04 - create Tracheal Avulsion (Helen) creating Tracheal Trauma instead

05 - either complete Male External Genitalia - Pathology - just made this one look nicer and added links then created new Paraphimosis page - (Siobhan)

06 - complete Hernia, Peritoneopericardial Diaphragmatic (Helen)

07 - alot to add to Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (Helen)

08 - complete Atrial Standstill (Siobhan)

09 - alot to do on Hormonal Pyometra (Siobhan)

10 - complete Nasopharyngeal Polyp (Helen)

11 - check Aspergillosis has all info (Helen)

12 - complete Dystocia - Dog & Cat (Siobhan)

13 - complete Ureters - Developmental Pathology or create Ureteral Ectopia (Helen)

14 - check Hiatal Hernia (Helen)

15 - do Urethral Prolapse (Helen)

16 - check Megacolon (Helen)

17 - create Aural Haematoma (Helen)

18 - create Cholelithiasis (Helen)

19 - check Vascular Ring Anomalies and add surgical technique (Helen)

20 - check Portosystemic Shunt (Helen)

21 - check Pulmonic Stenosis (Helen)

22 - complete Laryngeal Paralysis (Helen)

Small Animal Orthopaedics

01 - add to Degenerative Joint Disease (Helen)

02 - create Carpal Hyperextension (Siobhan)

03 - add to Mandibular Fractures (Siobhan)

04 - complete Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (Helen)

05 - complete Canine Dermatomyositis (Helen)

06 - complete Incomplete Ossification of Humeral Condyle (Helen)

07 - create Physeal Fractures (Helen)

08 - complete Hip Dysplasia (Helen)

09 - complete Craniomandibular Osteopathy (Helen)

10 - create Gracilis Muscle Avulsion (Helen) created Muscle Strains and Ruptures

11 - complete Osteochondrosis or create Retained Cartilage Core

12 - complete Hypertrophic Osteopathy (Helen)

13 - complete Calve Legg-Perthe's Disease (Helen)

14 - create Infraspinatus Muscle Contracture (Helen) created Muscle Contracture

15 - complete Infectious Arthritis or create dog-specific page

16 - complete Patellar Luxation (Helen)

17 - create Periosteal Proliferative Polyarthritis

18 - complete Elbow Dysplasia

Small Animal Abdominal and Metabolic Disorders

01 - Pulmonary Embolism, Thrombosis and Infarction already exists, but maybe create Pulmonary Thromboembolism?

Also complete Protein Losing Enteropathy

02 - create Urethral Sphincter Mechanism Incompetence

03 - create Vaginal Hyperplasia

04 - create Hepatocutaneous Syndrome

05 - complete Cystitis

06 - check Diabetes mellitus

07 - check Hypoadrenocorticism

08 - complete Ovarian Cysts

09 - check Hepatic Lipidosis

10 - improve Intersex

11 - create Ovarian Remnant Syndrome

12 - complete Isospora spp.

13 - check Feline Infectious Peritonitis

14 - check Intussusception

15 - improve Helicobacter

16 - create Pseudopregnancy

17 - check Hypothyroidism

18 - check and improve Megacolon

19 - improve Sertoli Cell Tumour

Reptiles and Amphibians

01 - check Snake Mites

02 - create Hemipenis Prolapse

03 - improve Metabolic Bone Disease

04 - Spirochaetosis page, not sure how to name it

05 - improve Steatitis

06 - improve Metabolic Bone Disease

07 - check Lead Poisoning

08 - there is Aeromonas species in lizards which maybe could become 'in reptiles and amphibians'??

09 - check Hepatic Lipidosis

10 - Maybe create complete Snake Neurological Diseases

11 - check Heterophils

12 - complete Metabolic Bone Disease

13 - complete Lead Poisoning

14 - complete Snake Dysecdysis

15 - create Hypovitaminosis C

16 - complete Parietal eye

17 - maybe create new Hypothyroidism for reptiles page or create Iodine Deficiency.. not sure!

18 - maybe complete Abnormal Wear of Teeth or ceate new page

19 - there is already Snake Gout so not sure if make that into Reptile Gout?

20 - check Snake Cryptosporidiosis

21 - check Lizard Mites

22 - maybe create Snake Cardiovascular Diseases

23 - complete Giardiasis or create new page

24 - complete Lizard Musculoskeletal System or Autotomy

Ornamental Fish

01 - create Stress Shock Syndrome

02 - new page, Ovaria Prolapse - Fish or Prolapse - Fish

03 - check Columnaris Disease

04 - create Swim Bladder Disorders

05 - create Carp Pox

06 - create Chlorine Toxicity

07 - create Dropsy

08 - something to do with goitre, or iodine deficiency

09 - create Euthanasia - Fish

10 - create Fish Louse

11 - create New Tank Syndrome

12 - check Cold Water Disease

13 - create Nitrite Toxicity

14 - create something on Saprolegnia

15 - create henneguya koi page

16 - create Anaesthesia - Fish

17 - create Zinc Toxicity

18 - create Algal Bloom

19 - create page on Trichodina

20 - create Gill Hyperplasia or Gill Irritation

21 - create Fish Handling

22 - create Supersaturation

23 - vitamin C deficiency?

24 - something general about water quality, or Low Dissolved Oxygen - FIsh

25 - Gill Fluke

26 - Head and Lateral Line Erosion

Small Mammals


Avian Med


Cattle Medicine


Equine Internal Medicine


Equine Orthopaedics & Rheumatology


Sheep Medicine


Small Animal Dermatology


This category currently contains no pages or media.